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•Elysian Monroe•

"You're so beautiful" she softly purred

She lifted her hands slowly and placed them on both sides of my face. I smiled as a response to her words. She kept her eyes locked on mine as she inched her face closer to mine

Our faces were now inches apart, I could smell the wine on her breath. I lowly sighed and decided to close the space between us

She gently swiped her tongue across my bottom lip, and I slightly opened my mouth, allowing her access. This kiss was different than any other. This had emotion behind it.

I awoke abruptly and surveyed my room. A soft sigh escaped me; it had only been a dream. My fingers rose to my lips, the sensation of the kiss lingering.

I rolled over to seize my phone. It was nearly 10am. With a groan, I rose from bed.

This was the inaugural dream of her.

I proceeded to the bathroom, confronting my reflection. My skin bore a flushed tone. I shook off the remnants of the dream and turned on the faucet.

Leaning over, I splashed water on my face. The reason for such a dream eluded me, but it was clear that our dynamics had to change.

I retrieved my toothbrush and toothpaste from the cabinet, attending to my teeth swiftly before initiating the shower. Discarding my clothes, I ceased the sink's flow.

Stepping into the shower, I let the water cleanse the dream from my thoughts. My behavior around her must transform at once. She mustn't be able to decipher me, especially after that dream.

I remained still, allowing the water to cascade over me. The thought of skipping work crossed my mind. I dismissed it; avoiding her would be unfair to my clients.

With a final sigh, I commenced my cleansing. Once finished, I shut off the water and exited. Enveloping myself in a towel, I left the bathroom for my bedroom. The towel fell as I approached my closet, selecting a white flannel and blue jeans.

I tossed my clothes onto the bed and turned to my dresser. After applying lotion, I styled my hair in a half up/half down do, letting a few strands fall loosely.

Slipping into my jeans, I returned to the dresser for a black belt, then donned a flannel shirt, tucking the front in slightly. With the belt secured, I chose a pair of black wedges from my closet.

After putting them on, I checked my appearance in the mirror, humming softly as I grabbed my phone. Noticing the time, I hurried downstairs, snatched an orange from the fridge, and left the house.

I jumped into my car and set off towards the office. At a red light, I peeled the orange and discarded the peel outside. Opting to bite into it directly, I continued driving.

Merging onto the freeway, I glanced at the clock; with only five minutes to spare, I was cutting it close. My thoughts were scattered as I considered speeding to avoid being late.

A quick look at the dashboard showed I was doing just under 70 mph. Humming to myself, I decided to accelerate to 95 mph, feeling the car respond eagerly to the increased speed.

Glancing at the exit signs, I noted mine was still four miles ahead. My phone buzzed, prompting a sigh from me; I couldn't check it just yet, but I was certain it was Kia urging me to speed up.

Shortly after, I veered off the freeway and stopped at a red light. Seizing the moment, I checked my phone, only to find the message wasn't from Kia. I shouldn't have been surprised, though, since I had given her my number.

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