Date? Part 14

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I drive to Liv's house, I get so nervous as I walk up the steps, I don't know how she'll react and if she feels the same way I do, I walk up to the steps and I was about to press the door bell.

"Nope not doin it" I say walking back to my car 

"No Conan, walk up to the fricking door" I say pulling away from the car 

"Ugghh but what if she doesn't like me?" I say pausing at the door

"The worst she can do is say no?" I say trying to convince myself 

"You know what?, yolo so ima do it" I say moving forward to the doorbell 

"Just like Dan said 'do it for the plot Conan'" I say my finger touching the door bell 

I press it and it rings, I step back and I'm about to walk away then I walk back.

"Hey Conan!" Liv says exited 

"Hi..." I say quietly 

"What's up?" She asks 

"Um I just want to tell you something..." I say, the flowers behind my black 

"Here these are for you" I say handing her the flowers I got 

"Wait these are my favourite!" She says smelling them happily 

"Yeah um..." I scratch my neck 

"Can I tell you something?" I ask her nervously 

"Sure" she says looking back at me 

"You know how we're friends and stuff" I say 

"Yeah?" She responds 

"Well I kind of like you as... um more than a friend, would you maybe go on a date with me? I say scared of her reaction 

"Oh, I like this other guy..." was all she said 

"If I waited a bit, would you maybe like me?" I ask then immediately regretting my question 

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have said that-" but Liv cuts my sentence 

"I'm sorry I only see you as a friend" she says quietly 

"maybe we should just take some time you know, from being friends, I still like you as a friend" she says 

I feel like a knife went straight through my heart, I feel tears start to form in my eyes but I try not to cry in front of Olivia.

"It's ok, um I should probably go.." i feel the tears form in my eyes again 

"Ok, bye" says Olivia quietly 

I walk back to my car with a hear rolling down my cheek, I open the door and drive off back to my apartment.

———————- time skip to apartment —————————-

I unlock the door and jump onto my bed and hide myself u der my covers, I cry and tears run down my face and I feel my heart aching.

"Why would she like me anyways?, I'm not strong, I'm ugly and I don't have a low voice, I don't act like normal people and I'm so stupid, I'm so dumb why did I think she would possibly like me, I should've just saved our friendship by being quiet" I say into my covers crying 

I cry for a couple more hours, I skip eating lunch and dinner and just stay in bed for the rest of the day crying, I hear my phone go off every now and then.

———————— the next day ————————

I get out of bed to grab a packet of Cheetos, and watch a sad movie, I don't bother to respond to any of my calls or texts.

Olivia Rodrigo x Conan GrayWhere stories live. Discover now