1 ▾ The Forest

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Warning: I won't be putting warning in all chapters, though this story will have-


Graphic gore, trauma mentions, police, murderous intentions, murder, mentions of mass murder, fake killers,angst, arguments, mention of death, mention of graphic death, swear words, voices, psychotic people, traumatized teens. Schizophrenia,hallucinations


Yeah you get it all that
'Amazing not kid friendly stuff!'
I don't know how often this book will be updated but yeah!

Additional information: ✎

- Jeff The Killers age is 28 as of my math cause he was made 2008 and was 13 so 2008 - 13 = 1995 and 1995 was 28 years ago as of 2024 so yeah don't question me.

-No ships

-No request

-No smut

-No weird fangirls allowed/or fanboys

-this was written with someone with dyslexia

-not all information is canon to the creepypasta origins. Don't come for me.
Time line: November 3rd 2008
After Jeffrey Alan Woods killed his family the police showed up so he ran as far as he could the police couldn't catch his cause of his abnormal speeds, as he ran he saw a familiar forest 'Slendermans forest' one of the most dangerous places in town and probably in this world. If you go in you don't come out. So what did Jeffrey do? He went in.
As Jeffrey Alan woods walked through 'Slendermans Forest' he thought about the amazing time he just had as he slaughtered his family,
he will never forget...
the feeling of grabbing his own mother by the throat and running his knife slowly across her throat as he made his own father watch as he bled out on the floor, oh man it was amazing, oh and Liu sweet Liu the fear in his pale green eyes was Amazing, the way his pupils shrunk and the way he struggled as Jeffrey sliced his face oh it was amazing!

That was what Jeff thought as he walked and walked and walked deeper into the forest. The forest seemed as if it never ended. Jeffrey wasn't mad about that, the art on the trees were quite interesting to look at the 'Slenderman' drawn on paper and Plastered on almost every-other tree in sight, Jeffrey walked for what felt like hours until
Jeffrey saw the 'Slenderman' he was just as draw.
No face
Abnormal height
Wearing a black suit
The creature didn't notice
Jeffrey at first till Jeff stepped on a branch. The speed the creature spun around and as fast as him and Jeffrey made 'eye's contact, it was probably faster than he speed of light.
The two hostile 'people' stared at each other before a fight broke out.

I'm to lazy to write a fight scene anyways end of chapter 1 ik very short anyways peace nerds

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