2 ▾ The Interaction

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_audio: Dark Piano
Time line November 5th 2008
Jeffrey woke up in a dark room he looked around the room. It was dry and to dark to see in, no moisture was in the air other than the smell of mold, the lights flashed on hurting Jeff's eyes he stared at the two people in the room. Both their faces hidden by masks one in a yellow dirty hoodie the other in a cleaner orange shirt.

The orange shirt one spoke up

"Ah. Your awake finally. Good."
His tone in voice was soft yet stern.
Jeffrey already didn't like him
"Where am I. " Jeffrey asked sternly
The two looked at each other then back at Jeffrey
"You are in 'Slenderman's' mansion."
The yellow one spoke, his voice more rough yet softer than the orange one
"Why." Jeffrey said
"Cause I have a proposition for you" a new voice rang through the room as Jeff turned to look he saw 'Slenderman'
"Which is what." Jeffrey asked

"A proposition that allows it so you could kill as many people as you wish. I see how blood thirty you are. I've been watching you Jeffrey Alan Woods. Your different from others, you never got in. You were always so blood drawn"

'The slenderman' spoke
It caught Jeffreys attention he was blood thirsty. He did want to make people suffer
"Alright. Sounds wonderful" Jeffrey said sadistically which would make any normal mortal shiver. But.. None of the creepypastas were normal. Now we're they...?


Time Line: October 12th 2009


One night Jeff was sitting in his room. He felt like the walls were closing in on him. He was hyperventilating. He was seeing things that weren't there like...
Flashing lights.
Hands reaching for him.
He heard screaming bloody screams
For the first time in years he felt like crying. He grabbed his knife and went outside to get fresh air not hearing the people who were talking to him.
He walked until he couldn't walk. Eventually falling to his knees covering his ears smiling sadistically.
Jeff blacked out.


When he woke up he was covered in blood there were bodies who's faces were not recognizable. Jeffrey walked back to the mansion and was immediately greeted with a few stares. Someone asked if Jeff was ok Jeff was still so confused he couldn't tell who it was "don't worry it's not my blood" Jeff said as he walked upstairs...jeffrey collapsed in his room falling unconscious on the floor of his room......

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⏰ Last updated: May 24 ⏰

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