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Dear Sara, I know exactly what you're wondering. Why have I written a whole book on you? Why is it in Wattpad?
Why now?

Well, a long time ago. I started writing notes on you in my notes app. which later on got put into letters that I gave you. I keep track of the smallest details about you. From the way you read my first letter with Dina and Batman in c block, to the day you wished me Valentine's Day on 14th February 2024. I kept track of everything about you and this book will be the only copy. No one will ever read this book other than me and you.

Everything in this book is from my perspective so I may have got things wrong and misread some situations so I apologise about that from now on.

One more thing, this is the last time you'll ever hear from me since we're going to complete different Universities and as much as it hurts, it's life. So with this last big letter, I set you free. From me, from my letters and my stupid jokes.

Last but not least, you wanted to know what I write in my notes app about you right? You told me to "PUBLISH THE NOVEL". Well, this is your chance to read it,  once and for all because after this I'm no longer going to make another note....

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