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It was like a switch went off in my head as I recalled what Faiyaz had said

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It was like a switch went off in my head as I recalled what Faiyaz had said. I could feel the anger boiling in my gut and I reacted before I could even second guess my actions.

In seconds I was rushing behind Jay. My hands reached out and I just pushed. He didn't fall. He just stumbled a lil bit.

"What the fuck is your problem?" I hissed.

He quickly caught his footing. "Me? You just pushed me, but you're asking what my problem is?" His threw his hands up. He looked at me like I grew two heads and I couldn't blame him.

"No." I paused, "Telling Fai to watch me at Tillman? After you did all that shit, who the fuck do you think you are. For real."

Jay scoffed, rubbing his shoulder. I rolled my eyes at his dramatic ass, I didn't even push him that hard. "Watch you? I didn't even know that's where he was going! I barely know this dude."

What. I shook my head. "Then why'd you look so mad when you saw the picture?"

"I didn't look mad! I'm not mad." His cheeks were red, eyebrows furrowed, and his chest was rising and falling more than normal. He couldn't lie to me about this.

"You still can't stop lying? Bro. Yes, you did!"

His eyes hardened, "Gavin." I could feel the air he let out from his nose. That's how close we were standing.

It probably looked like we were about to get into a fist fight for real. So I took more than a couple steps back. I ain't need no one getting the wrong idea and calling mall security or some shit.

He looked around, trying to look everywhere but my face. "I'm not lying! He's just some weird kid that was hanging around the team all weird and shit. And then one night...I—We—"

"Is everything okay out here, boys?" A voice rang out. We both looked back towards the doors. There stood a security guard leaning out the cracked door. He was tall and scrawnier than me.

Shit, if this did turn into a fight he definitely wasn't breaking up shit.

Jay waved at him with a forced smile. "Nothing." That didn't stop the guard from glaring at us accusingly. Jay gave up, "Look, I'll talk to you later." 

"You won't." I mumbled. I wasn't unblocking him over some shit like this. Hurt flashed across his eyes. It almost moved me. Maybe I wasn't as over him as I thought I was. Or I don't know if it was really him or the pain he caused me that I wasn't over with.

Time went by antagonizingly slow. I was irritated and just wanted to lay the fuck down. Every time I looked down at my cracked screen it ate away at my patience. Jay never walked back out this entrance, even thought I could see his car still in the parking lot. I should make him pay to fix this shit since he offered. Yup, I am actually.

I saw Faiyaz walking out and pulled up to the curb. I'd just unblock and text Jay when I get home because I know a text from him during this conversation we were about to have would just make shit worse.

"What happened to your phone?" Was the first thing he said after he opened the door. Faiyaz grabbed it from the seat to inspect and sat down. Again, it could've been worse, but crack like that would only get bigger now.

"Jay broke it." I spoke lowly just to see what his face would do.

"Jay? As in Jay Jay?" His eyebrow raised. He placed the phone down in the cup holder. His finger twitched. I bet the urge to go through my phone again was fucking him up right now.

"Yup." I licked my lips, "He's gonna fix it, too."

"Fix it how?"

I shrugged, "Pay for it I guess." That was really the only way.

Fai's eyes widened. "So that mean you'll have to talk to him again?"

"Yeah. I'll have to text him about it."

"Well, he can send you the money for it. You guys don't have to go together."

"I never said we were." A frown etched onto my face. Going together to get my phone fixed didn't sound like something I wanted to do either.

"Gavin." Fai sighed with a slight whine.

I snapped my head towards him, "Yes?"

"I don't want you talking to him." Seen that coming. It's not like I wanted to talk to the nigga either.

"I'm not. I'll just tell him to send the money to fix and that's it, okay?"

"I'll get it fixed for you. I just don't trust him at all around you." The laugh slipped from my lips before I could stop it. Faiyaz squinted, "What's funny?"

"Nah. You don't trust him, but y'all was friends, right?"

"Was. We're not friends anymore." He clarified.

I nodded. "Then why when I asked him he said he barely knew you." None of this was making sense and I'd rather get answers from Fai than Jay.

"What?" He said blankly. It was quiet for a couple seconds. I kept my face blank as he tried to find words to say.

"He said he didn't even know you were going to Tillman."

"Jay is a liar, Gavin." He chuckled, "You already know that. Why are you even asking me this?"

"It just seems weird." I shrugged again. Their stories were mad different.

"This conversation is even weirder. This is exactly why he shouldn't even fix it. Who knows what other shit he'll say to get you back." He shook his head so hard his hair was flying in every direction. This was getting too much for him. Dealing with Eric was enough, but Jay popping up knowing our history I could see how that would push him off the deep end.

I mean, I wouldn't put it pass Jay to lie about some shit. He lied damn near our whole relationship.

Fai's hand crept around my neck, pulling my face closer to his. His other hand grabbed under my chin. Our eyes met. "He can't have you back. You're mine."

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