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Elantra is a small island inside the Bermuda Triangle, it's location is always covered by a two mile long fog, and a strong storm, making it difficult to see the island original appearance

Elantra is a small island inside the Bermuda Triangle, it's location is always covered by a two mile  long fog, and a strong storm, making it difficult to see the island original appearance

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Elantra is the main body island that is 3 miles, across and 4 miles long, followed by its sister island Avante, which is smaller at 1 mile across and 2 miles wide,

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Elantra is the main body island that is 3 miles, across and 4 miles long, followed by its sister island
Avante, which is smaller at 1 mile across and 2 miles wide,

Elantra is the main body island that is 3 miles, across and 4 miles long, followed by its sister island Avante, which is smaller at 1 mile across and 2 miles wide,

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Elantra is currently a whole host of tribes in the area, some having a technology advantage over the others,

To give you a summary of the area, I will make the zones more clear

Magic of  art!

The red zone represents the tribe with the most technology, AKA the south west tribe called  "The Miracle Woods Kin" renamed recently because of the miracles of how much technology they have (its also the common place where plane or boat crashes w...

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The red zone represents the tribe with the most technology, AKA the south west tribe called  "The Miracle Woods Kin" renamed recently because of the miracles of how much technology they have (its also the common place where plane or boat crashes wash up).

On the southeast side marked in yellow, is the "Loyal Bear Kin", which as the name implies, it had mostly bears, they are proficient at fishing and hunting in the woods, they are also the most loyal in the island, willing to help out any other tribes and people  in need

In the mid section indicated by black is "the Master Hounds Kin, they specialize in wisdom in farming and livestock, with little help of technology from the southwest side, they also have the most wisdom and advice on the islands, which is where all the tribes high officials come for meetings, along with asking advice

The pink area north represents the oldest tribe of the island. The First Heaven Caste, they have a heavy disliking to technology preferring the traditional way, they are still massively respected and are one of the few places that have hot springs which, the Heaven caste uses theres as purely ceremonial purposes

Now the last part of this island is the green area, which is the land bridge that connects the sister island avante and Elantra which is undisputed territory, which the master hounds and Heaven caste  have bickered about who owned the territory leading to some instances of small clashing between the two clans.

Now, just recently a break in a weather that covered the lost island exposed it to a satellite, exposing a part of the island which had geologists and researchers  baffled, which called for a group of researchers and geologists to take the risky to the island

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