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I have tried my best to flirt with her, and I am kinda enjoying it. I made her say 'Good night' to me two fucking times. It just felt so good to hear her like this. After she went in her room, I also went to mine. I lied down on my bed thinking about her for hours. I didn't realize that it's too late at night and I am still awake. I tried to sleep but all I think of is Erika. 

What's happening? Why can't I sleep? Why do I have so much interest in Erika? Why do I feel so good to stay near her? Have I started liking her? Yeah she is great girl, the type which I have seen for the first time in my life but does that mean I have interest in her?

I started questioning myself. But one thing my heart finally answers me.

You never had any interest in any girl? But on the first day you saw her, you intentionally gave her a seat. You don't wanna see her with other men, coz you are possessive for her. And about this bet... you bet on her because you don't wanna lose her.

I don't know what's up with me but... all I have to focus on is Erika...I mean the bet on her.

I went in the drawing room and sat on the couch to think about it deeply, then I heard some footsteps coming from the staircase. It was Erika. When I saw her my eyes expanded. She was looking so damn hot in those clothes. I continuously stared at her stunning figure. She went is the kitchen. Maybe she was thirsty. But the inner me has became more thirsty now. I went in the kitchen and stood beside her. I can't explain how sexy she is looking right now. Then she turned towards me. She was totally a statue. But then she finally said something, "R-Ryan...? Are you not able to sleep?"

I was possessed by her soft voice and immediately made a grip on her waist and pulled her really close to me. I could feel her getting numb. She relaxed her hands on mine. I couldn't resist her hotness and kissed her hard. 

After the few minutes of kissing, she stopped me and then ran away to her room without saying a single word.

I was not able to control myself. I am sorry Erika. I know it was against your decision. But still you didn't stop me first. Was she also enjoying the kiss like me?

I stopped thinking about other stuffs and went inside my room to sleep. This time I slept easily. Maybe, my heart was craving for it...and I don't regret it.



What a beautiful morning! The chirping birds radiated positive vibes, the sunrise made me forget all my problems and the fresh air caresses my body. I wonder that these twins must be getting all these everyday. I wish I could also live in a house like this. But it's okay! I am enough lucky to have a rented place booked by my mother. Many girls like me lives in dorms but because of my Mom, I never have to see that day.

But after what happened last night, made me question many things.

I was out of my senses. But was he like that too? Did he did this by mistake or intentionally? Did he liked that kiss? Keeping all these questions aside, I wanna say that... H-he is a good kisser.

I then stopped thinking about last night and went downstairs to fresh up. I saw that Ryan was doing exercise. He was shirtless and was looking so damn hot. Then, we contacted our eyes. This time I liked to stare in his eyes and I can tell he is liking too. 

Suddenly, Elena enters the drawing room and noticed us.

"Uhem... is something going on between you two? She asked in excitement.

"Uh- what? N-No." I trembled.

"Chill... I won't say anything even if there is something going on." She winked at both of us. "I would love to have a sister-in-law like you."

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