Chapter 1: Discovery

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Chapter 1: Discovery

Andromeda was around ten-years-old when had happened to be her first accidental murder and the discovery of her true ability. It began on one fancy garden party with the richest friends of Andromeda's family, she watched them below from her balcony of her bedroom that was locked shut as she was told to stay put whenever guests visited the Blair Family's manor.

She was tinkering a mini airplane model while she heard laughter and constant gossips about shitty stuff on other rich women's affairs. Andromeda cared less about her half-sisters playing fireballs as a show for the guests, whistling and applauding at their wonderful display. She rolled her eyes paying her attention only on her tinkering when she heard gossips about her being a screw-up by one of the guest that didn't knew that she was below Andromeda's balcony.

The red-velvet dressed woman whispered aloud that Andromeda Blair was the far most worst mistake arrived in one of the strongest Fire families. Andromeda was only ten but knew this was cruel. She ignored the insults until she heard a familiar voice that have agreed with her and even worst added more of Andromeda's flaws into their conversation. Tears tickled down her pink cheeks as Andromeda sobbed silently. It was mother who said those heart-stabbing words. She didn't understand why she was treated that way or was it because she couldn't control fire all of the reason she was all too late to embrace her powers on an older age? Either way it was hurtful for Andromeda being disregarded of her existence especially about by her own mother.

Andromeda was the oldest and only child of her mother's first husband before marrying off to another man which Andromeda knew they had an affair while her real father was still alive. Or else how could even her eight-year-old quints follow? Her new father and new other five sisters treated her like trash and beaten up her life for being such a nuisance. But she haven't done anything wrong to be hated, all was she have done was to be please by perfecting herself to her mother's appeal but no matter how hard she tried her mother just threw her to the side telling her that she wasn't good enough. Heck, she even told Andromeda once that she was just a tool to get into to the Blair family's wealth by being pregnant with Marcus Blair's child. It was successful since Andromeda came but when it did, Annette, Andromeda's mother, showed her true colors.

Tears stung her glassy eyes as she hugged herself, rocking for her own comfort. Losing her balance, she tumbled to the side of the table on which she crashed with a loud thud, her mother just below heard but ignored it and went ahead towards her new husband's friend circle. Andromeda grabbed a post of a lamp, lifting herself with a slight groan, she felt bruises brightening in pink on her left elbow and knee. Andromeda hissed when she touched the pain.

Such a fucking klutz, her mother mumbled in her head, walking off towards the blabbering guests.

Andromeda forced herself to stop sobbing and proceeded to tinker her plane. From above, she shook her head catching a sight of her mother with her husband laughing and toasting from afar. Those were gold-digging people who would love to get hold of the family's money. Andromeda paused when she saw one of her sister, Renee, played too close to a bed of poppies. The sight of them getting near her favorite flowers made her worried causing her to shiver in fear.

But all came down to a gush of anger when she heard the cackles of her other sisters towing more of their meanie friends.

"Burn them, Renee!" A boy dared, causing Andromeda to fumed like she was about to explode.

"Yeah, Ree, let's see if she can do anything about it!" Her other sister, Mel, exclaimed loud for Andromeda to hear.

Andromeda's eyes widen when Renee fused a fireball hovering above her fist and snickered grimly. Her other sisters and their friends have sinister smiles on their faces while cheering for Renee to flame the flowers.

"NO!" Andromeda cried, loud enough to be heard from the distance but was once again ignored.

Andromeda winced before brushing off her wetted cheeks and bolted towards her door. She banged it over and over again as she kept hearing them say "Burn, burn, burn!" Andromeda rubbed her banged shoulder and thought of a way kicking down the door. Andromeda twisted her hips, turning to the side, steadied her posture, readied her leg by lifting off in the air, aimed for the side of the lock, and pulled all her energy to kick the door with it slamming open. She grunted felting the pain after knocking it down but remembered and descended down the stairs with much speed.

She rushed out to their large garden in the backyard and yelled when she spotted Renee was about to yeet a fireball onto her precious flowers. Andromeda ran with much force that she tumbled with Renee falling with her in the process. The others screamed and glowered once Andromeda stood shaking in anger.

"What's wrong with you? We're just having fun!" Nagged Mel.

"By ruining one of the only valuable things I got in this hellish place? No way!" Andromeda spat.

"Tsk! She's just jealous because she can't bend fire," scoffed by the boy earlier. "The only thing  you can do is fix old tech which will never work!"

Those words fumed the boiling point of Andromeda's, she couldn't hold it much longer so out of complete surprise Andromeda marched up to the boy and punched him, breaking his nose that bled in the process.

The children around her screamed mocking words at Andromeda as they pointed their fingers. The boy shouted for his parents where they rushed to their son with shocked faces.

"My baby!" Yelled the mother, quickly wrapping her arms around her crying son.

"Who did this to you?!" The father asked, angrily.

The boy looked up to his father with fiery tears in his eyes, pointing directly at Andromeda without hesitation. The father turned at her with glowering expressions.

Oh, screw! Now you've done it, Andrew! Andromeda scolded herself after given by livid faces around her. She tumbled awkwardly backing her pace when she felt Tory, her other sister's hand pushed her forward to face the ballistic father.

She could feel the fiery tense contained her surrounding on which she knew there was no escape, she shakily raised her head looking up to the father. Andromeda gulped giving a clumsy apology but no response only the tensity of anger hurling in the fist of the dad could be seen.

"How dare you hurt my son, now you'll pay!" The father pulled back an arm ready for giving Andromeda a hard slap.

"No! Please!" With that, Andromeda covered her face with her hands held out in front but lightened with tiny yellow sparks until the sparks grew into hundreds of powerful bolts of lightning hit all at once at the father with his eyes widen.

The father crashed with his back on the fountain being electrocuted when he stopped and fell to the water with a broken statue burying him, completely killing him in the process.

Everyone screamed at the horrific sight with the children cried, practically traumatized. The wife however stood frozen having her seconds to realized what just happened before rushing with her bleeding son forward to the broken fountain.

Horrified, Andromeda stood shocked and frozen discovering who she truly was while glancing on the adults running towards the scene, she caught her mother completely surprised as the angry cries of the wife echoed in the air. Andromeda wiped a single tear then leaped towards the woods, crying with a dirty face, thorns and branches kept scraping her knees, elbows, and shoulders tearing her white silky dress.

Andromeda hid herself inside a hollow trunk of a willow tree as she heard everybody crying out loud from the distance.


This was it, Andromeda Blair was a Curseling.


A/N: Don't forget to comment and vote;) Enjoy reading!

Word count: 1384

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