The kitchen ain't where you gotta go

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Previously in this book. You were in a strange place, you asked questions, got answers, and now your going into da kitchen. Remember the title tells all. Enjoy da chapter!

You were about to follow Shadow into the kitchen when she said. "Okay I think Toby might be in there." She then let you follow and there sitting at the table was the one the only.

Caroline Blood. (ha ha bet you thought it was Toby). Okay so you didn't know her name (I said da name so you wouldn't still think it was Toby). Sitting at the table was girl with dried blood in her hair, she had normal skin, cinnamon colored hair, blue eyes, she was also wearing a white tank top, blue jeans, and black boots with smeared dried crimson blood and a bit of fresh scarlet blood (in my opinion fresh blood is more of a scarlet). "Hey Caroline we have a newbie I guess. I was gonna kill her but Tim (Masky) insisted that I didn't." Shadow said talking to the person you guessed was Caroline. "Hmmm so you tell me this why?" "Well I was gonna go on a killing spree and by the looks of it you just did one. So maybe you could show her the rest of the mansion?" "Ugh fine!" Caroline got up from her chair and told you to follow her. You didn't move. She glared at you with a knife in her hand. You then moved and followed her.

"Ok first thing I want to tell you is stay away from: Mad Cry, Dark Link, Jason The Toy Maker, The Puppeteer, Jeff The Killer, Laughing Jack, Eyeless Jack because he's mine and if I see you flirting with him I'll stab you, and finally BEN Drowned or else Ghost might stab you. Those two are kinda dating." Caroline said and tightened her grip on her knife when she told you to stay away from Eyeless Jack. You wondered who all those people were but yet you nodded. As she showed you around you were pulled back by someone. "Ahhh Caroline help me!" You yelled clawing at the floor. You were being pulled by the legs. "Ah f*ck." Caroline whispered as she became farther away. "Well look at this hottie~" You heard a voice say you then noticed you weren't being dragged anymore. You looked up and saw a monochrome clown guy, a darker version of BEN, a evil version of the YouTuber Cryotic, a guy that had these yellow things coming out of his fingertips, and a black haired guy with a smile carved in his face. They all looked at you with a perverted smile. You looked down and saw that the clown was the one that dragged you here. "LJ let her go!" Caroline said to the clown. You thought for awhile and realized LJ standed for Laughing Jack. "Yea and what if I don't?" LJ said very cocky. "Then I'll get Ghost." Laughing Jack gasps. "You wouldn't." "Oh yes I would." Laughing Jack let's you go. But only for you to be picked up again this time it was bridal style. You tried to escape but you couldn't. You were picked up by the guy with the yellow things. "Oh ha ha very funny. You put her down to be controlled by Puppeteer." Caroline says with sarcasm. You guessed the person holding you most likely was Puppeteer. 'Wait! So far with the two names I know of that means that the others are people I was supposed to avoid.' You thought. "Let's take you to Nightblade." Puppeteer whispered into your ear. You gulped as he passed Caroline. If you could've moved you would've punched him and run away. But sadly you can't move.

He ran to a deep dark blue door that had blood drops on it. "Sir I have the new girl." He said and stood up straight like as if he was apart of the army or something (be sure to thank someone who served in the military). "You may come in." You heard a deep husky voice say on the other side of the door. "Well isn't it (Y/n)." A dark gray haired boy said looking at you. "You may go Puppeteer you did a good job." "Thank you sir Nightblade." Puppeteer put you down did a somewhat bow and ran out. After his footsteps were gone Nightblade closed the door using telekinesis. "Take a seat." He commanded. You refused and he made you sit anyways. "I heard you were a new girl. So why are you here." He asked his pitch sea blue eyes staring at you. "I don't know. Please don't hurt me." You said. He then stood up revealing he had a white shirt with turquoise splatters and deep crimson blood splatters, a deep dark blue sweatshirt that had no hood, he also wore grayish blue jeans, and had blue and black sneakers. He then came over to me and lifted my chin up with is index finger. His light gray skin made him look a little gloomy. "I wouldn't even think about hurting you (Y/n)." He then leaned closer. You tried to back away but he used his telekinesis to keep you still. He then kissed you on the lips. You didn't kiss back which made him pull away. "Leave me alone!" You screamed at him. "Not until you kiss me back~" He said in a seductive voice. "Nightblade get off of her!" You heard a new male voice say.

Dun dun dun cliffhanger!! I love doing cliffhangers! Keep your suspense bottled up for the next chapter will be here soon. And sorry for not updating in awhile. So bye and see you in the next chapter!

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