⚠️⚠C H A P T E R E L E V E N⚠⚠️

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⚠️WARNING!! ⚠️
RÆPË included later in the chapter. I will warn ya all when. If u get triggered easily please skip that part.

Don't hate me for doing this. It's just part of the story line. It's been made and added for the lore.

Any hate comment will be deleted. Please respect that I don't need hate here

I hope you enjoy the chapter, next one is coming out tmrw(I hope)

<Geno's Pov>

I stood beside My Lord's Throne chair like the other servants. We all have been watching the other rulers eating their feast before us. It made some drill but they had to resist.. I will say that I was getting pretty hungry as well.

Watching the Lords eating is actually a nice view tho, they eat in the fancy way. Got proper manners and fancy behaviours.

I actually enjoyed their presence a bit I will admit.
I sighed and watched as the Prince took a piece of the Suspicious Turkey.
He went for the wing.
He pulled the wing off the Turkey's cooked body and started attacking it with his fangs-
not going to lie.. Those fangs looked sharp. Looking at them almost made me blush but I held it in and looked eelsewhere

Even tho u looked somewhere else from the table my mouth was watering. The smell was just so delicious... I whined which caught the Death Prince's attention pretty fast.

"Something wrong my little servant? "
I avoided his gaze before answering.
"Nothing my Lord. Nothing to worry about.. "

I thought he would just leave it be and he was about to but then my own body betrayed me.
My stomach started growling and rumbling from hunger.
I tried to hide my embarrassment but that only got the Prince more interested.
"I see.. You haven't eaten anything have you? "

"As if it matters anyway.. I'm not allowed to take a single bite of your feast untill you have all finished. And I still won't be if left without permission."

I finally met his gaze. He was smiling.. No no. Grinning.
"Well you're right about that little servant. How about this. When our feast ends. I allow you to choose one food from the leftovers. But you have to be sneaky~ our servants are quick with cleaning the dinner table."

I thought about it a bit and nod, well what could go wrong if I take one for myself right?
"I accept the deal your Highness"

"Don't mention it"

I nodded before letting my attention slide off to the other servants who stood beside their rightful rulers. But one specific servant caught my attention. His eye sockets were blank with black like tears going down his cheeks and what looked to be a soul in front of his chest. He was the servant of the golden ruler.

I was interested. Really interested so I looked over at my 'ruler' and asked.
"Hey your Highness? May I talk to the other servants? "

The prince of Death looked over while still eating his turkey wing.. Disgusting..

"Well go ahead. At least I will have some peace"
I rolled my eye light at that comment and quickly but not too quickly dashed over to the Servant.
I noticed that he was now there with another servant. This one was with the Goopy and X rulers. Interesting.

Well I decided to join in and heard them talking to the Golden Highness as well.
When I got closer they all three turned over to me, I started sweating nervously.
I quickly bowed down in respect and introduced myself
"U-uhm hello my name's Geno."
"well hello there mortal. "
Greeted the Golden ruler in respect
" greetings to you as well your Highness. I hope I'm. Not being a bother"

The Black Raven. [ AfterDeath ] fanfic???Where stories live. Discover now