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˚₊‧꒰აchapter nine໒꒱ ‧₊˚

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˚₊‧꒰აchapter nine໒꒱ ‧₊˚

؂Y/n got off her bike as she headed towards the small group of girls. She wore her uniform with her top closed, shielding her bandaged chest in a pathetic attempt to hide the bruise a certain delinquent had left with his lips on her.

The other girls however, had their own top uniforms unbuttoned having on display their covered chests. As she approached the small group she greeted them.

"Huh? You couldn't manage to wrap your chest again?" Her older sister said as she approached her. "Wha- No no it's not that, I'm just cold!" The slightly shorter girl exclaimed as she started to move her hands frantically.

"Tch. You serious? You're a fucking delinquent and- Hey!" Yumi turned sharply to her back as she felt a certain someone kick her back.

"Let your sister be bitch, it's true that it's cold!" Shinji -one of the Angel's captains and Yumi's best friend- said with a cheeky smile. "Hey! You little shit, who gave you the right to kick me?!" The black haired girl shouted as she started to chase her friend like a five year old.

Y/n felt someone grabbing her and dragging her to a corner. It was Akemi another division captain who was close with the two L/n's. "I can help you with the bandages if you want. You must start to get used to these too. I'm afraid we will have to fight with these shits on.." Akemi said as she let go of Y/n's hand.

"No it's fine Aki, really. I uh... It's just.." She figured that if she wanted to hide that mark she had to at least tell someone so that she would be sure at least one person would have her back. So she used the fact that Akemi and her were close enough to be able to trust her with...this.

She unbuttoned her uniform letting Aki's gaze fall on the slightly dark purple bruise near her collar bone. "This..." Y/n said as she waited for some sort of reaction from her friend.

"Is this a bug bite?" Akemi said as she observed it a little further, noticing faint traces of teeth. "HOLY FUCK THAT A HICK-" Just before she could utter out the whole word Y/n jumped on her and shut her mouth. "Yeah no shit Sherlock."

Aki gasped as she realized what was going on. "Now I get it! It's from that lilac haired guy! What was his name again? Karuya? You guys are finally together?!" She tried to recall his name.

Y/n sighed as she buttoned her top and started to explain, "First of all, it's Mitsuya. Karuya isn't even close what the fuck is up with your head. And second, no we....we aren't actually together. I mean, we kissed two times and...sorta...made out. But no we ain't together."

Aki was speechless and was looking at her friend with her mouth slightly parted. "Wha- Hold the fuck up. Made out? And you ain't together? Don't you think it would be a good time to talk to him about your relationship? Because you guys surely aren't friends"

"Yeah I just... I don't know, I feel like I don't know him long enough to bring that up." Y/n confessed as she turned her gaze away from her friend. "How long do you guys know each other?"

"Eh... about two months?" Y/n said as she recalled her first meeting with him. "Bitch you ain't serious are you? Have you ever brought this matter up? And, do you even like him that way?" Her friend asked her a bunch of questions.

"Yeah I do like him. I had also tried to bring this up but we never really disgusted it properly.." Y/n confessed as she felt her whole mood change. "Then my sweet, sweet N/n there's only one thing to do!" Aki announced with a weird smile plastered on her face. "I don't like where this is going-"

"You will force the answer out of him!" Aki said as she clapped her hands together. "..." Y/n started at her with a disappointed look. "And what do you suggest?"

"Okay so listen closely, dumb fuck, 'cuz I'm going to only say this once" Aki took a deep breath and snaked her arm around her friend's shoulders bringing her closer as Y/n had an unamused face displayed.

"You are going to avoid him. Anywhere; at school, at the upcoming meetings, his calls, his messages and everything." Aki said while moving her hand back and forth.

"And what will be the outcome genius?" Y/n said sarcastically. "Well this can only have two possible endings. He either stops talking with you and all ooooor..." Aki sang to her. "You're losing braincells aren't you-"

"He will just straight up confront you about avoiding him. And will finally confess" Aki said with a huge smile on her face.

"Yeah, that sounds like a shit idea" Y/n scoffed and moved away from her friend. "Well if you want some kind of answer you can try it. It's the only thing i could think of." Aki shrugged. Y/n was about to answer but was cut off by her sister's voice. "You two should move your fat asses and come here to discuss Toman's offer or I'm whopping y'all's asses!"

"Yeah that sounds hot-" Aki went to say but was cut off by Y/n slapping the back of her head. "Yeah, yeah we're coming." Y/n yelled back to her sister and dragged Aki by her hand towards the other girls.


Thirty minutes later the small meeting amongst the captains was over. The final decision was to accept the offer as Toman was a well known gang and also strong. So it would only benefit Angels of death.

Y/n headed towards her bike as the other three friends of hers went towards the opposite direction. They would go hang out, after they took over Shinji's clothes first of course, and then head towards the center of either Shibuya or Roppongi.

Y/n would join them shortly after but wanted to take a shower and go fetch Yuzuha. Before she could hop onto her motorcycle her flip phone started ringing. She took it out of her pocket, the caller ID being Yuzuha. She picked it up and went to talk.

"Yo Yuzu, I was about to call you and-" Y/n was cut off by Yuzuha's panicked voice. "Y/n! Are you available to come near my house? Hakkai's friend got beaten really badly. Are you able to come and help?!"

"Huh? Yeah yeah of course. What happened?" She asked as she hopped onto her bike. "I'll tell you once you get here." Yuzuha answered as she hung up and Y/n took off onto her bike.

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