Loonatic's cyber mayhem

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Y/n(Before the meteor):

Y/n(Before the meteor):

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Art by TheFrontiersMan on Twitter.

Y/n (After the Meteor struck Positive):

Y/n (After the Meteor struck Positive):

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Y/N (After the Meteor struck NEGATIVE that Y/n likes to call Fatal):

Bio: Y/N was just a mechanic and currently into making robots to help Acmetropolis but during the robot convention, he would see a lot of inventors that're

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Bio: Y/N was just a mechanic and currently into making robots to help Acmetropolis but during the robot convention, he would see a lot of inventors that're..actually better then him in any way because Y/N's robot was made for companion and helping people while most of the inventors are mostly for bigger things like firefighter themed robots all the way to Military Solder bots as he was overthinking of this as he just thinks he'll lose so he just leaves dragging his robot with..few days later, he was tending to make a comfort bot when the meteor struck Acmetropolis as the meteor's effects has gotten to Y/N when he touched a circuit board which gotten him to be split into two personalities one positive, one negative as it also affected both his comfort bot and his bot from the convention

Circut (the one from the convention UPGRADED)

Circut (the one from the convention UPGRADED)

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Comfort Bot: Uzi

due to Y/n's exposure to the Meteorite, the radiation effected the Circuits making his comfort bot acting like a angsty teenager but despite all of this, she's still his comfort bot

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due to Y/n's exposure to the Meteorite, the radiation effected the Circuits making his comfort bot acting like a angsty teenager but despite all of this, she's still his comfort bot

what do you think (reason why i made Uzi the comfort bot because of 2 things 1 we all like Uzi as some sort of Comfort character...dont lie.. I KNOW WHERE YOU LIVE- and 2 i wanted to experiment with this...and no she wont have Cyn control cause Cyn isn't canon in this Hopefully good story...ZIP IT MIGUEL O' HARA-)

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