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I awake the same way I did the previous morning, as I do seemingly everyday, with the loud noises of the busy city disrupting my sweet dreams. I tap my phone on the table next to me to check the time. 9:57am. Not bad, it's earlier than yesterday but I somehow feel better rested. I rub my eyes and do a quick stretch before rolling out of bed. I've got some last minute things to do before I send some pictures over to a friend of a friend who had a friend that needed some pictures taken of for her prom. That's how I get most of my clients, through connections.

I throw my hair into a quick braid just to get it out of my face. I don't bother putting on any pants knowing my tshirt is long enough to lounge around in. I grab my laptop and its charger and head downstairs.

Rylie is in the kitchen singing to herself as she makes breakfast. I cuddle up on the corner of the long blue couch and sit my laptop on the arm rest. I open it to see all the tabs left open from yesterday. I drag a few of the best photos into my email to send to this girls mom. I let her know that I'll send the rest when she sends the other half of the payment- I usually ask for a deposit first and the rest to receive the photos.
It's not a whole lot of money but I don't really mind as I had a lot of fun taking these photos, it reminded me of my own prom.

As i'm clicking through the pictures I find myself wondering how the girl enjoyed the rest of her night. Her date seems nice enough, not like a typical guy that's being forced to take pictures with his girlfriend. Their eyes light up when they look at each other and the poses came naturally to them. Very opposite of my prom pictures from many years ago.

My prom date was a classmate that I had been crushing on for the entire school year, but he never seemed to be too interested in me. I remember how shocked I was when he asked me. There were no flowers, no poster, or anything special. Just a simple "So you wanna go to prom with me?"

My mom snapped a couple pictures on her phone before we left that night, and you could tell we were just a couple of awkward teenagers that didn't have a whole lot in common. He didn't make a dinner reservation so we stopped by Mcdonald's for a quick dinner on the way. At the prom he was more interested in sneaking out to the car to take a couple sips of whatever bottle he had stolen from his parents than actually spending time with me. I remember I convinced him out on the dance floor when a slow song finally came on, but other than that he remained and the table acting like an idiot with his friends. We left early that night too, because we just had to go to an after party at his friends. Apparently prom isn't actually about prom, but instead just an excuse for underage drinking. I chuckle to myself thinking how silly and naive I was.

I wish I could say I lost interest in him after that night but of course as a teenage girl I stayed wrapped around his finger and ignored his bad influence for far too long.

I snap back to reality when Rylie comes over and holds out a plate with runny scrambled eggs and burnt bacon. I smile in gratitude and accept her offer for a cup of coffee knowing at least she can't mess that up. Her gesture of making breakfast is sweet so I ignore her lack of cooking skills and get to eating.

"Logan and I are dropping off some painting to some lady later if you'd like to tag along." She mentions causally while turning on the TV.

"Yeah okay, when is later?" I ask. I was planning on staying on the couch all day not bothering to get dressed but running a quick errand with my friends doesn't seem so awful.

"He's out getting a new frame or whatever so I guess when he gets back." she mumbles with a mouth full of food.

I nod in acknowledgment and get back to clicking away on my laptop, taking a few bites of food as I work. We sit together on the couch for a couple hours, Rylie laughs loudly at whatever show she's watching as I try not to get distracted by whatever reality show she has on. Every once in a while I can't help but to look up and watch the unrealistic drama unfolding in front of us.

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