Chapter 47

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Chapter 47

🔮Omniscient 🔮

Loki and Ploloch kept on trash-talking Thanatos in front of Polite, who felt nothing but rage growing in his entire body.
His face was still facing down while he held onto his grandfather's scythe with one hand.
Soon, the scythe started flickering with lightning, and as his rage grew much stronger, the lightning from the scythe was also distributing even more to his body.
Soon, his whole body was covered in lightning, while he was still in one position. The rage gave him strength, and he felt his powers begin to surge. Suddenly, his body was enveloped in a bright light, and he felt himself changing. His muscles bulged, and his senses became heightened. He felt like he could take on anything, and his rage would be his fuel. As he stood up, he knew he was stronger than ever before.

Loki➡️Hahaha, kid. Do you think your little lightning will scare me.

Polite didn't reply. Instead, he kept quiet and maintained his position.

Loki➡️I'm talking to you, brat. Don't you dare ignore me.

Out of anger, Loki charged in to Polite to decapitate his head, but what came next really caught him by surprise. 
The moment he tried to attack, Polite swiftly stood up and carried Thanatos in his hands, not minding Loki, and then quickly rushed to lay him in a far distance, and then came back to his same spot, before Loki landed his attack on him.
That just showed how fast he became.
Loki had launched an attack on him, but he  managed to run somewhere and come back before the attack reached him.
The only secret behind this incredible speed was that he was using lightning from the scythe to travel very fast with the speed of light, and as for Loki, time seemed to move really slow on his side.

Polite➡️You're too slow.

After saying that, Polite charged at Loki with a ferocity he had never felt before. He was fast and stronger than before, and that made him catch Loki off guard. He started unleashing a barrage of attacks, and Loki was struggling to keep up. And the more he hit him, the more his rage intensified as he began to slightly lose control. He could feel his mind getting clouded and all he was capable of thinking was to beat his grandfather's murder to his death.
Loki as a skilled fighter saw how unstable Polite's mind was at that moment,  and then saw an opening and decided to hit him very hard, but before he did that, Polite swiftly planted a strong punch, powered up by lightning, straight to his ribs, and broke a couple of them.
After that, he did the same thing on his other side, and in no time, all Loki's ribs were broken, and he needed a lot of time to regenerate them, that is, if he was able to, but unfortunately,  Polite didn't give him any chance to run away or teleport.
He kept on attacking from all sides with the speed of light, and after a couple runs, Loki fell down on his knees feeling exhausted.

Polite ➡️I will never forgive you for killing Thanatos, and people like you don't deserve to live anywhere in the world except in hell.

At that moment, Loki's life started flashing in his eyes. All the days he spent a long time ago with Thanatos, living together as brothers, until the day he decided to become evil and conquer the world. He started asking himself a lot of questions.

"Is this it. Is this what they mean when they say your life flashes upon your eyes when you're about to die!. 
Why am l seeing images of my old self and Thanatos, holding each other's hands while running in a field of white beautiful flowers.
Why is all this coming to me now.
It's breaking my heart to pieces.
Thanatos really never hated me even once. He  continued recognizing me as a brother even after all the evil deeds I've done.
I hope he finds it in himself to forgive me wherever he is.
Now, why is the beautiful field of white flowers turning red. All the white flowers are turning to red roses.
Oh, it's blood.
My blood is everywhere, and it's painting everything red. And that ball over there looks like my head.
Am l dreaming?.
No, this is real. I can't feel my body anymore.
I guess this is the end.

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