~°《TU JO MILA》°~

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Writer's pov
So as you know am so into frictional mystery and fantasy but I tried to come out of my comfort zone and write something different this time and that would be a romance novel or story you say and ya it would be in hindi and English both cuz it would be an Indian lovestory


And now I would like to tell you my main reason to write this is so if you are an Indian you might know that big boss is an no.1 reality show in india and frankly am not a big fan of it but I would watch it for my favorite ships but tragedegly they never end up together and with all the frustration inside me because of it I wanted to write about a frictional ship that would go into bigg boss so I wouldn't be sad cuz it anyways has to end up together as it is my frictional ship Ik I sound crazy but this is just all the frustration in me forgive me (and ya you can imagine any of your ships just change the name in your head lol)

Bye for now don't forget to read the story vote it and please don't be a silent reader please

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