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"Today marks my 25th birthday, and I'm ready to kick off a weekend of celebration! Flying solo means anything goes, starting with tonight's girls' night out for some bar-hopping, food, and clubbing. With my bottle ready and blunts rolled, I'm just about set to get dolled up before Shan swings by to pick me up. Opting for a sleek black dress paired with my special red bottoms, I tie my locs up into a high ponytail and apply my signature chocolate lip. After a final check of my purse, I hear a knock at the door. "Who is it?" I call out. "Bitch, it's me! I gotta pee!" Shan shouts in response, bustling into my house. Despite her knack for holding her bladder, I can't help but laugh at her urgency as she makes a beeline for the bathroom."

After Shan emerged from the bathroom, she shot me a knowing look. "Don't say a word, haha. Are you ready to roll?" she asked. I chuckled and responded, "Yeah, let's bounce, pissy." With shared laughter, we headed out the door.

Pulling up to Ruth & Chris, we met up with our friends Allysa and Megan. I suggested we grab food first, and boy, am I glad I did because I'm starving. We were all decked out in black and looking fly.

Allysa, a light-skinned beauty standing at 5'6, rocks a killer ass and petite chest. She's a nurse at the local hospital. Then there's Megan, caramel-complexioned and statuesque at around 6'1. She's got curves in all the right places, not to mention those stunning moles on her face reminiscent of Marilyn Monroe. I've harbored some X-rated dreams about her, but that's a secret I'll keep to myself.

Shan, my ride-or-die bestie, stands at 5'9 with an average figure and a boyfriend and girlfriend on the side. How she manages them both is beyond me, but she's a pro. I spill all my secrets to her, except for my thoughts about Megan; that would definitely freak her out.

As for me, I go by Jenn, short for Jennifer. At 6 feet tall, I'm the BBW of the crew, though my height helps balance things out. With a decent bust and a butt that's been benefitting from some recent squats, I'm feeling pretty confident.

As we settled into our seats, the drinks started flowing, and the banter got livelier. We were discussing our plans for the night when my attention was abruptly diverted by the entrance of a stunning woman. My heart practically skipped a beat; she was exactly my type-short, curvy in all the right places, with a booty that demanded attention. Confidence oozed from her every step, and when our eyes met, I was captivated. She gave me a playful wink before striding to her table."Earth to Jenn," Shan's voice snapped me out of my trance. I shook my head to clear it. "My bad, girl, but did you see that bombshell who just walked in? She's fine as hell!" I exclaimed."Well, clearly, since you stopped talking midway through your sentence to stare, bitch," Shan quipped, and we all burst into laughter.

"We were served our food and drinks, enjoying them while continuing with more drinks and having a great time. Suddenly, the waitress approached, singing 'Happy Birthday' and presenting me with a birthday shot. We all raised our glasses, toasting to my birthday and to a fun and safe night ahead. As we prepared to settle the bill, the waitress returned with another shot. 'Excuse me, miss,' she began, 'but the young lady over there bought you a shot for your birthday and would like to cover your meal as well.' Following her gesture, I saw the charming lady who had winked at me earlier. With gratitude, I raised my shot and mouthed 'thank you.' She reciprocated, and we shared the toast together. My friends exchanged knowing glances, silently acknowledging the unexpected turn of events."

We gathered our belongings, and Shan jokingly said, "Y'all go ahead, I gotta go to the bathroom," proving why I called her "pissy" earlier. We walked to the cars and waited for Shan, who emerged a few minutes later, and we headed to our next destination. Arriving at club Rain, we found it already bustling with people, but fortunately, we had purchased a section in advance, ensuring VIP treatment all night long. As we entered, Usher's "Kissing Strangers" began playing-a current favorite of mine-setting the tone for what promised to be an excellent night.

We arrived at our section to find balloons, cups, and bottles all set up and ready for us, so we wasted no time in pouring ourselves some drinks. The music got us moving, and we began dancing and having a blast. Shan invited some girls into our section, while Allysa and Megan brought along some guys, creating a lively and mixed atmosphere. As the music continued to play and we kept dancing, I couldn't help but notice that one of the ladies talking to Shan was none other than the woman from the restaurant. By this point, I was pretty intoxicated but feeling great-riding on what they call "liquid courage," boosted by a couple of blunts I had smoked earlier. I was beyond just feeling good; I was confident and ready for whatever the night had in store.Instead of walking over to them, I found myself continually glancing their way while dancing, wondering if she would catch me stealing glimpses. After spotting them a few times, I looked up again, only to find that she had disappeared, and Shan was engrossed in conversation with someone else. Panic started to set in as I kicked myself for not making a move earlier. I began to walk over to Shan to inquire about the woman's whereabouts when suddenly, someone grabbed my hand and spun me around. Opening my eyes and focusing, I realized it was her.

"Where are you going?" she asked, catching me off guard. I swallowed hard and took a deep breath. "Oh, um, I was on my way to ask Shan where you went," I stammered. She took a step back, a smile playing on her lips. "Oh, were you looking for me?" she teased. Stepping closer, I replied, "Of course I was."

She leaned in and whispered, "My name is Lizz, by the way, and I already know your name is Jenn. Your friend Shan invited me to come out back at the restaurant, so I hope it's okay that I help celebrate you tonight." Lizz leaned back, her eyes locking with mine, and she gave me the most captivating smile I'd ever seen. My heart raced, and I felt a rush of excitement.

"Yes, it's perfectly fine that you help celebrate me. I would love it," I managed to say, trying to maintain composure despite the electric chemistry between us.

Lizz and I hit the dance floor, and she wasted no time grinding against me, driving me wild. I couldn't resist grabbing and squeezing her, reveling in the softness of her curves. When she glanced back at me, tossing her hair over her shoulders and rolling her hips, I was mesmerized. Thoughts of exploring her further ran through my mind, but I had to shake them off, focusing on controlling my arousal, aware that my nipples were threatening to betray me through my dress.

After some intense dancing, we took a break to hydrate and have another drink. "So, what are you doing after this?" I asked, expecting her to suggest going home together. Instead, she met my gaze and simply poured a shot before walking away. I sat there momentarily stunned before she turned and called out, "You coming or what?" I quickly replied, "Oh, I'm definitely coming," and followed her lead.

Before leaving, I found Shan and handed her my keys, jokingly reminding her not to wreck my car. She laughed and assured me she wouldn't, wishing me a happy birthday. After bidding farewell to Allysa and Megan, ensuring Shan's safe ride home, Megan questioned where I was headed. I pointed towards Lizz, who waved cutely. As I turned back, I sensed a strange expression on Megan's face, but I dismissed it as my drunken state. We exchanged goodbyes, and I left, eager to spend the rest of the night with Lizz.

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