Ayanokoji's first birthday

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Ayanokoji, Mahiru and Ichinose spent time together enjoying a friendly conversation. Since Mahiru and Ichinose became close friends, they often met after class.

Today was an ordinary day, no different from the others. However, Ayanokoji noticed that the girls were behaving strangely. During the lunch break, they talked about something lively, but as soon as he came up, they asked him to leave them alone.

Without offended, Ayanokoji went away to eat his bento. He didn't get into their business, realizing that the conversation was most likely about something important.

- By the way, Kiyotaka, Matsuo-san's son wanted to talk to you, - Mahiru interrupted his thoughts.

- Eichiro? He didn't tell me anything.

- He wrote to me that he wanted to meet you after class at the newly opened shopping mall. You should go.

- But we were going to the movies today. You've been waiting for this movie for four years. Last week you said that we should definitely go there - Ayanokoji objected.

- It's just a movie, Kiyotaka. I'm not crazy enough to miss... - Ichinose sharply squeezed Mahiru's mouth with her palm, not letting her finish.

- What? - Ayanokoji asked, not understanding what she wanted to say, or pretending not to understand.

- Nothing, Eichiro-kun must have already waited for you. You should go - Ichinose answered nervously, removing her hand from Mahiru's lips.

- Okay, just be careful when you come back home.

- Don't worry, Matsuo-san said he would pick us up by car soon - Mahiru calmed him down.

- Great, then I'll go - Ayanokoji left, and the girls, looking at him, exhaled with relief.

- Mahiru-chan, you almost talked! - Ichinose exclaimed with reproach.

- I'm very sorry, the words flew out of my mouth!

- Okay, let's leave it aside. We need to hurry to the mall, buy gifts for Ayanokoji-kun's birthday - Ichinose took it.

- Matsuo-san should come soon, we just have to wait.

They didn't have to wait long. Ten minutes later, a car drove up to them. Matsuo was driving, and in the passenger seat...

- Mom?! - Mahiru exclaimed in surprise when she saw her mother.

- Hi, Mahiru - Seiyo said.

- What are you doing here?

- Do you think I could have missed my son-in-law's birthday? By the way, is this girl your friend?

- Yes, my name is Ichinose Honami, nice to meet you.

- Me, Shiina Seiyo, Mahiru's mother and future mother-in-law of Ayanokoji-kun.

- Stop it, Mom, Kiyotaka and I are not married yet! - Mahiru muttered embarrassedly.

- Sooner or later it will happen anyway, so stop being shy!

- Mom!


Eichiro looked around nervously, standing in front of a small cafe in the new shopping center. He was waiting for Ayanokoji, with whom he agreed to meet here.

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