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Your hands clench the steering wheel as you try to stay awake. It's felt like days you've been sat in that car. You love Jill but god could it kill her to be a little closer? The sun settles behind your car as it rattles and bumps it's way down the busy road. You need a new car, this thing has been up hell's arse and back.

The leather coating the steering wheel has worn away in spots and the peddles are slowly crumbling. Everyday a new problem creates itself in this car. With every problem comes yet another bill and not even the military work can cover all of them. So you simply drive and wait until it explodes so the money-sucking car insurance can cover it. The window also doesn't shut, so you also hope it might get stolen.

As you drive on, the cold wind slapping your face as every turn you hit yet another traffic jam. "God walking would be quicker at this point."

You groan as you stop at the car behind you. You lean back in the ancient seat and let your eyelids close. For a rest, you tell yourself. As you begin to reclaim the little sleep you got a loud honk rattles your car. One more honk and this thing will fall apart, you remark as you step on the peddle and the car drives a little forward, making sure to stick your favourite finger out the window to the driver behind you.

Sensing the sleep taking over again you slide your hand into your pocket and grab a radio. You've had it since you were 15 and Jill a little older; Jill always liked radios ironically since she used them all the time so you two just talked on them. The radio is in better state then your car. You connect to Jill's radio.
Your sister's voice lightens your spirits. "Hey y/n. How the drive going?" She asks.
"Great, you know, the angel behind me beeps every time I don't drive the second the person in front of me does. I'm close I think, it'll be dark when I get there so just eat without me."
"Shit really? I thought we were going to go out."
"Definitely not tonight, I look as rough as I feel." You hear her sighs through the phone.
"Tomorrow?" You offer.
"Fine. How's that car- do you need me to take a look at it?" She says amusement lacing her words.
"The cars hanging on by a thread so I wouldn't bother. It should make it over to you." You respond honestly frowning at it from the inside.
"And on the way back?"
"Probably will have to go on three wheels or engine-less." You muse. "Or maybe I just won't go back. Mom and Dad haven't been the best."
She laughs through the radio. "Yeah. I can imagine."
A silence plays before you ask:
"Hey Jill?"
"How are the nightmares?"
She's quiet for a second.
"Worse every night, they don't stop."
"Is it the infected one again?" You ask, worried.
"Every night. Killing yourself constantly isn't fun. I'm glad your coming."
Your about to respond when a ringing comes from her line.
"Who's that?"
"No idea." Jill states picking up the phone.

'Jill! Are you okay?'
'Brad? Is that you?'
'Listen! You gotta get out of there!'
'What are you talking about?'
'I don't have time to explain- you gotta get out of there right now!'
'Alright. Let me grab my—'

A explosive noise comes from the radio before you can only hear static.
"Jill!" You ask frantically holding down the button on the radio. Nothing.
"Fuck!" You yell. "What the hell is everyone stopping for?"
You've been so distracted you haven't noticed the traffic went silent. Scared for your sister's life, you exist your car and approach the car  ahead of you. Walking up to the window something doesn't feel right. You reach and knock at the glass window; a stench floats into your nose. No one answers so you look through the window. The driver is slumped back in his seat, blood everywhere around him. And his open neck exposed. Flies swirl around him.

You stumble back- a gasp escaping. As you stand, frozen in horror. The dead man's head turns and stares at you through whitened eyes. Foggy, hungry eyes. A inhuman  gurgle comes from him as his body snaps upright turning to face you. Silence occurs before he lunges towards the window the glass cracking below him, warning you that any second it will release this thing.

What happened to it? You ask yourself as you stumble back into your car and lock the doors and windows. Your breath quickens as you see another undead thing fall out of a car. The radio.
"Jill?" You practically yell into the radio. Static again. You curse and look around for weapons or anything. Your phone is in the back of the car. You could use it to call for help.

A huge grunt steals your attention as that undead man throws himself on the front of the car screaming to what looks like others. They must be some infected shit- Zombies even. Not again. How fucked up is raccoon city. You back up against your front seat as small white lines make their way across the glass.

"No, no. Shit!" You screech as more zombies surround your car. Your like a sitting duck. Escape, escape. So you swing open the door pushing it open against a crowd of groaning zombies, all piling over each other and sprint. The road your on is actually a bridge leaning across a deep river that should run to the centre of Raccoon City. To Jill.  Your body aches as you arrive at the barrier. God, you hate heights. But adrenaline and fear feul your mind to act.

With one deep breath, you dive.

Heyyy, hope this was a good short introduction, part 1 will be much longer I promise! Apologies for my English it's not the best !!
Have a great day x

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