The Big White Sheet

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The morning hit Kyle like a semi-truck. He was slow to get up, being exceptionally deliberate to stand up. His neck rang with pain, and his head throbbed. He couldn't feel either arm. He looked to Cassidy, still asleep. She looked at peace, and it made him happy. He shot a glance at his watch, 1:34 PM. *Guess she needed the day off from school anyway.* He thought to himself. He sat next to Cassidy on the couch and yawned. He put his hand on her head and moved it back and forth to wake her up. "mmmmmmmmmmmmm," she responded, rolling over. "Wake up, Starlight, I still gotta go to work, and you have to come with me. Unless you want to spend the afternoon with Uncle Bobby." He replied. She raised her arms and pulled on him to get up. "Do I have to go? Can't I stay here?" she begged. "I'm sorry Starlight, I don't have a choice. If the state of Utah saw I had been leaving an 8-year-old by themselves, you really would have to live with Uncle Bobby. Forever," he replied. She frowned and went to change, mumbling something about how Uncle Bobby smelled like cat pee. He freshened himself up the best he could, he didn't have time to put on new clothes. He didn't know how late that note excused him for, but he hoped it was enough. "Meet me in the car Cass! Be quick please!" he yelled out.

This was not going to be a good day. He could tell by the parking lot. A small white sheet with a red stain covered the pavement and that puppet was outside, in tatters. Little yellow cones littered the ground. Henry was outside too, his sobbing hidden by the pouring rain. Neither of his twins were around. The day guard, Stephen, was talking to several uniformed officers. Several other staff members were also talking to officers or taking turns looking under the sheet and gasping. EMS was radioing in a report. He needed to know more. "Cassidy, can you stay in the car for a while please? I need to talk to somebody, get a read." Cassidy nodded her head as he pulled the key from the ignition. He walked towards the scene, nobody stopped him. Kyle chalked it up to blending in with the rest of the staff, being held as bystanders. He walked up to a familiar face; someone he was at least acquainted with. "Hey Nate," Kyle called out. The sulky 20-year-old shot him a glance of daggers, and shushed Kyle. "Hey Nate," Kyle whispered after getting closer. "What's happening here? I just got here." Nate gestured to the sheet. "Have a look for yourself," Nate replied dryly.

Kyle was afraid of what he'd see, but morbid curiosity had the better of him. Kyle waited until nobody was looking, then quickly held the sheet up and snuck a look, feeling his stomach drop to his feet. Charlie laid still; her mint green shirt now had a sickly red slash. A massive cut went from her far collar bone to her near hip, the slash going across her body. The knife was still in her chest, right where her heart was. Her hazel eyes were open with a dead stare, a dry stream of tears lined her cheeks. Her mouth hung open, a trail of blood coming from the corner of her mouth which hung open, her teeth stained a sickly crimson. He couldn't look any longer and dropped the sheet with disgust. He shuddered and backed away. He took a second look, why was that puppet outside? How had it gotten out here, how had it moved? The thing was barely recognizable, its only distinct features on it were its long black body, and purple tear streaks he didn't remember being there. Kyle turned around and looked to the truck, Cassidy was watching him from the safety of the truck, her eyes following his every move. He had to sneak her in, but how? A purple car screeched up, almost hitting Kyle. William exploded out of the car and immediately ran to Henry, dropping to one knee attempting to console the man.

Kyle trudged back to his car and opened the door. "Starlight, listen carefully. We're going to go in through the front door, and were NOT going to look around, ok? Just keep your eyes on those doors." he asked. It was a big ask but he needed it for her, she didn't need this. Not right now. She nodded silently, as if she could read his mind. He held her hand as they marched to the door. He felt all eyes on him. He carefully opened the doors and stepped inside; all the guests were gathered by the door. He felt all eyes on him, as if he were to give a response. He looked around. That box was open, and the recording equipment was on the ground, *Was that the puppets box?* he questioned. He had thought it was the smaller one. He started to pick up the pieces of the equipment as William opened the swinging door, hitting Kyle in the shoulder and cheek knocking him to the floor. "ATTENTION FREDBEARS PATRONS! DUE TO UNFORTUNATE CIRCUMSTANCES, FREDBEARS FAMILY DINER WILL BE CLOSING PREMATURELY TODAY! ANYONE WHO PURCHASED THE PIZZA PARTY PACKAGE WILL BE ELLIGABLE FOR A FULL REFUND, OR PROMPT RESCHEDULING. THANK YOU FOR UNDERSTANDING, AND PLEASE HAVE A FREDTASTIC DAY," William projected. His tone fell off, almost as if he was happy to send all these people home. Kyle rubbed his cheek and got back to his knees. At least Cassidy wouldn't have to be here anymore. He continued to pick up the equipment, feeling the guests watching him as he crouched there, cleaning up the smaller mess he couldn't help but feel responsible for.

That place stank of death now. He knew he couldn't go back. He couldn't describe what he saw to Cassidy, not again. Not after Evan, not another friend she'd never see again. His mind was full of anger, doubt, confusion, and guilt. Was Charlie dead because of him, was it his fault? Why was Charlie outside? He couldn't go back, not again. He trudged into the kitchen and sat down, holding his head in his hands. The world melted from around him. He couldn't think right, all he could think of was that image of Evan hanging limp from the jaw of Fredbear, and Charlie still on the cold wet ground. He couldn't go back, no. He walked over the phone and dialed a familiar number, a number he typed too frequently. The dial tone rang for what felt like years, every ring a sharp reminder of what he was about to give up. The click sound on the other line was like a life preserver to a drowning man. "Hello?" asked the man on the other line. "Hello Will," Kyle started. Cassidy had wandered into the room and looked at him intently. Kyle took a deep breath. *You're doing this for her,* Kyle said internally. "I've reconsidered your offer. How soon could I start?"

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