Chapter 1: Wait, There's Actual Lore?

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Beeping could be heard from machines, next to a medical bed. The bed had someone lying in it, but the sheet covered their face. They were male, evident by the massive bulge outlined in the blanket. A man in a lab coat stared at a computer, although the steam slowly enveloping the lab made it hard to see his actual face.

"Subject Infinity, beginning magical energy infusion." The scientist pressed buttons on his computer, which caused a tube connected to the figure's left lying on the medical bed to fill with a shining golden liquid, and a tube on the figure's right to fill with a sinister dark liquid. Both liquids seemed to crackle with energy of their respective color.

"Energy levels rising. Amazing, simply amazing!" The scientist celebrated, before the steam rose, sending him into a coughing fit.

"Gah! Ahem. Need to calibrate levels of power. Parameters, parameters. Hm..." The scientist checked his computer screen and cackled.

"Amazing! This level of power is infinite! It's a level of strength beyond existence itself! Even gods do not have this much power!" Suddenly, alarms began to ring. A warning sign glowed on the scientist's computer.

"What?! No, no, not yet! If I do not hurry, this power will be uncontrollable!" The scientist exclaimed, before sparks of energy shot out from his equipment. As the scientist was sent back, a spark of dark energy blasted him in the arm, causing him to roar in pain.

"Gaaahhh!! My arm!" The scientist looked to the arm that the dark energy hit, only to find his arm gone. No blood, no bone, it's as if he never had the arm to begin with. Explosions boomed throughout the lab as the scientists's equipment sparked. As opposed to the look of fear and horror he had moments before, the scientist had a look of resignation and defeat.

"So this is how my story ends. Doomed by my playing god? How fitting." He said as the explosion enveloped him and the person lying on the bed. As the lab burned down, pieces of debris falling everywhere, the only bit untouched was the bed and the figure lying in it, even after being hit by an explosion. The lab was in ruins, before the sheet was thrown off by the person it covered. Outstretching his hands, he bellowed out a single sentence.

"I LIIIIVE!!!" The figure bellowed out as he sat up on the bed. His blue hair shining and draped over his face.

 His blue hair shining and draped over his face

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(Y/N) had practically jumped off of the bed, looking around the ruined lab. He stretched his joints, hearing them crack and pop, with his neck popping being the most satisfying.

"OI! Ten thousand years will give you such a crick in the neck!" He chuckled to himself as he stretched. "Jesus, Doc. The fuck were you smoking when you decided to play god?" (Y/N) looked over the destroyed lab, and decided to stroll around the lab itself, seeing many different things.

"The Infinity Gauntlet, seen it." He said, tossing aside a golden gauntlet with six gems inside of it, deciding to look around for other goodies. He eventually came across a golden chalice.

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