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   Mia… my Mia… Dave called for her as he hugged her, his voice shaky.

     “Uncle and aunt took pity on me and took me home, I stayed with them as they they tried their best to sponsor me to school, the little restaurant was our home, I was a daughter to them as they didn't have a child, I was happy until I got a call a week after I wrote the university entrance exam, in was in a coffee shop where I work part time. Aunt has been rushed to the hospital, she needed an heart transplant. Uncle almost went crazy, I looked on as the family who sheltered me went gloomy, aunt forcing herself to smile at me, uncle getting lean day by day, I couldn't take it any longer, then I made a decision, No matter what it's cost me I would save aunt, and save the only warmth in my life”. Tears kept pouring out as Mia explained.
   “Stop it Mia! Just stop! I don't want to know about your past, I don't care okay… please just stop crying… Dave pleaded as he cleaned her tears”.

   “No! I need to say it, because you were part of my past Dave!” Mia said as she faced him.

   “Your past? What do you mean by that? Is that why you asked me then if I knew you?” Dave questioned her surprised at what she said.

    “ Yeah… it is. Mia answered. Let me finish Dave.”

     “ After making that decision, I took out the contact book my mum gave me, she told me to call the number if am left with no option, she said the person is her friend and she will help me, but she was wrong! She trusted the wrong person!” Mia said in anger.
    “ I called the friend and she asked me to meet her at the club, I rushed there, truly I met her. She was dressed elegantly, I remember how intimidated I was looking at her, she was shocked when she saw my face,  not surprised though, I look exactly like my mom. Mia smiled proudly.”

    Do you still have you mother's picture?  Dave asked
   “Yes! Mia stood up to go to the side drawal, bringing out a purse, she removed a small cut picture, on the picture was a woman with a blonde hair, her hair tied up, her lips pink unlike Mia's naturally red ones, her eyes gentle as she looked at the camera. Mia really looked like her except for the lips, and hair.
“You look like your mom, why isn't your hair blonde? How come you have red hair? Dave asked as he looked at the picture.
    “My hair is dark, I dyed it red myself, red means a lot to me” Mia replied as she carrass the face on the picture.

  “Mum friend gave me a shock! I wasn't expecting someone my mum trust to give me an option to pay back the money I asked to borrow, I borrowed from her 6Million, and i was given an option to work in the club to pay back”.
“ How could she?! Dave said angrily.

  “At age 18, I was helpless, but desperate, I needed the money as auntie couldn't wait. I agreed to sign the contract. I took the money and transferred it to the hospital account, I told them not to tell my uncle its from a sponsorer. Then gradually aunt got better, then I had to leave them, I lied to them and told them i got an admission to the university, and I needed to move out because I need to work for my school fees, they felt sad but motivated me, I didn't want to leave them, but seeing their smile again, I don't regret doing what I did”.

    “So how am I involved? Dave asked anxiously.

   “The first client I got was a very fat, old man, i felt scared and disgusted when I saw him, how can I allow him touch me? Even when I forced myself to ignore it, but I couldn't do that, I ran away from the room, he had his guards pursue me, helpless I bardge into an open room, after locking the door…” Mia pause when she got to that part, he face turned red.

   “ What happened? Dave asked curiously.
“I met you, you hugged me and kissed me, you said something about your grandpa sending me to you, was helpless against you, but I willingly gave myself to you, at least its better than a old man taking away my virginity”. Mia face blushed as she looked away from Dave.

  “What!!! You are the one?!!! F**k!! Dave stood up in shock, he punched the wall in anger, shocking Mia so much, she stood in shock looking at him in fear.
   “ Why hit your hand on the wall? Your hand is bleeding! Mia said as she took his hand, checking it to see if the bleeding is much.
   “ Am coming, don't move, Mia said as she went to bring the first aid kit.

   “You promised to come back for me though, have always wanted to ask you Dave… why didn't you keep your promise? I waited for you, have been waiting, Mia said as she looked up at the handsome face in front of her.
   Shifting her eyes away, she kept the first aid kit after she finished taking care of his would.
  “Mia… I came back! I promise I came back, but I was deceived! Truly my grandpa drugged me, my family wanted me to get married to Jenny, but I don't agree to it.  Jenny was the one they arranged for me I guess… but I don't know what happened in between. But I remember promising someone I will come back for her, but couldn't recall your face. When I tried investigating, the results came out as Jenny being the girl, I had no choice than to get engaged to her even when I wasn't convinced. Dave explained feeling betrayed.

“Wait! What?! You are engaged?! To Another girl?! Explain Dave!!! Mia screamed as she looked at the man in front of her.

   “Mia calm down… Dave tried explaining.

“Calm down?! Hahahaha! I stayed cleaned for years in a forsaken place like this, with so much pressure and when I finally get you, you tell me you are engaged?!!! And you expect me to calm down?!” Mia shouted as she looked at him angrily.

Standing up to go to her, he hugged her tightly, even when she tried to struggle, he still firmly hugged her.

   “ Its was a mistake Mia, I thought she was you, and I didn't take the engagement seriously, I tried repeating that night with her again, but I couldn't find that feeling…Dave tried explaining

“You slept with her? Mia asked
      What?! No! Like I said I didn't feel anything. Dave replied immediately.

    “ You know? After that day, I fantasize about you coming to take me outta here, then I waited for a month, but you didn't come to me. I had no other option than to make another deal with the Madame, I promise to pay her back, but I won't be forced to have sex with anyone, she agreed to it on the promise that I bring in money to the club. Mia explained tearfully.

  “ Am sorry baby… am sorry… Dave said as he hugged her tight, his eyes red.

   “It's wasn't easy but, with you as my motivation I finished paying back the money 6months ago, my contract with her ended then, but I couldn't leave, as the person I was waiting for hasn't come for me” Mia said sadly.

   “ But I later came right? And look at me, I fell down to your feet, Mia… Dave said as he kissed her forehead,,,, Am here now baby, I will bring you away, to my home where you belong, Dave said she he kissed her eyes and lastly her lips.

  “I want you Dave, I want you inside me, I want to feel you deeply… Mia said as she carrass his face.
   “My pleasure baby….

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