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Suddenly, a loud gunshot pierced the silence, making everyone shudder. Mingi's eyes widened as he realized which room the shot came from.

He yanked open the door. "Yunho!"


July 9, 2023

Mingi ran into the living room of the house. "Yunho!" he shouted repeatedly and looked around frantically. Yunho was standing in front of him. His face was a mixture of shock and fear. Mingi ran to him to make sure he was all right.

He grabbed his arm and checked him over anxiously. Only then did his gaze wander to Hongjoong, who was kneeling on the floor holding his foot. The wooden floor underneath him was turning a reddish color. Mingi looked back and forth between the two of them. The others also came into the living room.

"What did you do?" Mingi pressed out, searching for Yunho's eyes, which avoided him. Seonghwa and the others walked to Hongjoong. "Where are you hurt?" Seonghwa asked, trying to help him, but Hongjoong pushed him away. He looked up and his cold gaze met Yunho's.

"You know that was a mistake," he gritted out and stood up. His sock was bright red and you could see where the bullet had pierced his foot. The gun in Yunho's hand was a clear indication. Mingi took a step back. "You didn't..." He didn't want to say the words. He knew that Yunho had probably done worse, but now that he saw it with his own eyes, a freezing feeling ran through him.

Yeosang grabbed Mingi's hand and pulled him away from the incident. He gave him a reassuring look while San walked to Yunho. "Give me the gun," he urged him. He held out his hand, but Yunho didn't move. He was petrified. Mingi turned to Yeosang and had to suppress his tears. Everything that had just happened felt like a nightmare and he was in the middle of it.

San didn't wait any longer and snatched the gun from Yunho. Without hesitation, he unloaded it and threw it to the ground. "How could you do that? Hongjoong is one of us," San said, but got no response.

"I'll take Hongjoong to the doctor," Seonghwa said and when he grabbed Hongjoong's arm a second time, Hongjoong let him do it and limped out of the room. The red trail of blood on the floor made Mingi swallow. He had already seen what it was like when someone died, but this felt different somehow. Different because Hongjoong was actually one of them and Mingi had no idea how far Yunho would have gone if he hadn't barged in.

San nudged Yunho and he finally looked up. He looked at Mingi for a millisecond, then ran out of the room and up the stairs. Mingi looked after him. He hesitated briefly but finally ran after him. Even though he couldn't believe what had happened, Yunho was still the one who meant everything to him.

When Mingi rushed into the room, Yunho was standing by his wardrobe, stuffing clothes into his bag. "What are you up to?" Mingi called out and walked to him. His eyes filled with tears. "I'm not staying in this house," Yunho said. His voice was more distraught than ever. "But it's your home," Mingi said. "I won't stay in the same house as those people anymore Mingi!" Yunho's voice was so loud that Mingi flinched.

"What did Hongjoong say? Why did you shoot at him?" Yunho closed the closet again. "I spent two years looking for the people who are to blame for everything only to find out that I live under the same roof as them."

Mingi shook his head. "And where are you going huh?" Yunho slung his bag over his shoulder. "I'm going to find my parents." Yunho suddenly laughed, but it was a sad laughter. "They're alive and probably have the best life imaginable after finally getting me out of the way."

Mingi reached for Yunho's hand. He could feel his pain and he knew he couldn't stop Yunho. "I'm coming with you," he said. He gave him a gentle look. To his surprise, Yunho nodded.


It was evening when Yunho's car stopped in front of a hotel. "We're staying here for the night?" Mingi asked, looking around. Yunho nodded and got out. Mingi did the same. He couldn't stop worrying. He knew that something was broken inside Yunho, something that no one could fix.


Mingi glanced around, watching the lights in the darkness. Yunho appeared behind him. "Are you coming?" he asked, having finished checking in. Together they walked to their room. Mingi noticed that Yunho barely spoke and avoided his gaze several times. When they arrived in the room, Mingi looked around carefully and dropped his bag next to the large bed in the middle. Yunho closed the door and sat down without looking around.

Mingi's eyes wandered to him. "What are you thinking about?" he asked, as he could see from the look on Yunho's face that something was bothering him. "Aren't you afraid of me?" Yunho asked and Mingi finally understood why he was so distant.

Without thinking, Mingi walked towards him, then moved his finger to Yunho's chin and lifted his head so that he could look him in the eyes. "Listen to me. I will never be afraid of you. I was surprised, but I would never judge you. And I won't leave you, I'm here for you."

Mingi knew he had chosen the right words when the first tears left Yunho's eyes. Mingi felt Yunho pull him closer and wrap his arms around his waist. Then he buried his face in Mingi's shirt and not a second later a loud sob was heard. Mingi's hands moved to Yunho's hair and he stroked it gently. "Everything will be all right," he said and even though he didn't know if everything would really be all right, he sincerely hoped so.

Yunho looked up again. His cheeks were slightly swollen and red. Mingi couldn't help but smile. "You're so cute." he said, then he slid onto Yunho's lap and hugged him a second time. Yunho seemed to slowly calm down. "I don't know what I'd do without you," he murmured as Mingi closed his eyes.

He smiled and pushed Yunho slightly away from him. They looked at each other, then Mingi leaned forward and put his lips onto Yunho's. He was able to convey everything he felt to him without saying a single word.

Yunho's warm hands wrapped around Mingi's neck, while his lips harmonized with Mingi's. It was a romantic and yet somehow sad kiss. Mingi felt Yunho's heartbeat against his.

He pulled away from their kiss, looked into Yunho's eyes and leaned his forehead against Yunho's. His arms wrapped themselves around Yunho's shoulders. He whispered against his lips so that only Yunho could hear his words, because they were meant only for him.

"I love you."

As soon as the words left his mouth, he felt the hot tears making their way down Yunho's face and running past Mingi's hands. Mingi didn't need reassurance and didn't wait before he connected their lips again. This time, the burning in his chest became even stronger. He felt Yunho let himself fall into the kiss and although he continued to cry, he didn't let Mingi go.

Mingi pushed him backwards and they fell into the mattress without letting go of each other. Mingi's hands wandered over Yunho's body. He loved everything about him.

When they breathlessly pulled away from the kiss, Mingi searched Yunho's red eyes for confirmation and when Yunho nodded slightly, Mingi pulled Yunho's shirt up over his arms and head, revealing Yunho's greatest insecurity.

His fingertips ran along Yunho's individual scars. Each one carried so much pain that it brought tears to Mingi's eyes. He looked at Yunho, who was examining him through blurred vision. Mingi bent down to him again. "You're perfect," he said before his lips rested on Yunho's again.

Mingi had never been as sure of someone as he was at that moment. So sure of belonging to that one person and sharing everything with them...


I know this part is short but the next one will be longer again

Update comes on Friday <33

It will be spicy and sad :)

And thank you sm for 17k😭

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