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[A/N: TRIGGER WARNING - MENTIONS OF S/A so please read with caution.]

When you returned to your room after the talent show, you were quick to check if you had all your belongings. Heemin never mentioned what it was that you dropped.

Turns out, you hadn't lost any of your items as they were still in your suitcase.

'He was trying to lure me away from everyone.'

Your heart had quickened in fear but when you heard a knock on the door, your soul nearly left your body.

You didn't speak up, wanting to know who was on the other side of the door.

"I know you're in there."

It was Heemin!

You stood up and took slow steps towards the window, holding your breath and making your movements as quiet as possible.

'I need to find another way to escape.'

As soon as you opened the window and checked how far you were from the ground, the door was forced open and it slammed against the wall which had your heart leaping out of your chest. You stared fearfully at Heemin as he stood by the door, his lips formed into a twisted smile.

He walked into the room and closed the door behind him, making sure to lock it so no one would disturb him.

"I was planning to use this place to hide away from the police but I can't believe I got recognised so easily. They must have put up a wanted poster of me..." He muttered the last part to himself.

So, the system was telling the truth about Heemin being a criminal.

What crime he committed was still unknown to you.

Your eyes widened in horror as you saw him throw his hat to the ground before he slowly stripped out of his clothes, leaving him with just his pants on.

"Since you know, I'm going to make you keep your mouth a fun way, of course."

His tongue stuck out as he marveled the situation while you had finally figured out why he was a criminal in the first place.

You had never felt so revolted before in your life.

"You're disgusting."

Heemin was used to hearing compliments on his looks and how much of an amazing person he was, especially by the opposite sex.

Your harsh words had him coming out of his delulu state as his expression dropped.

"I was going to be gentle with you since it's probably your first time but-"

Not wanting to hear him any longer, you turned to the opened window, took a deep breath and screamed as loud as you can.


A hand was clamped over your mouth while your hair was grabbed roughly and you cried out as you were thrown to the ground.

"You bitch!"

He straddled your waist and grabbed your flailing arms, pinning them to the ground before he licked his lips.

"I'll ruin you to the point where you'll never forget what I've done to you."

Heemin smirked as he saw you calm down and watch him from your point of view below, assuming you had given up and was going to let him do what he wants.

'I have fifteen minutes to use it.'

Heemin was leaning down, planning to squish your lips together but he paused in his actions as he saw your eyes glow a lighter shade.

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