#1, The Bitter Taste Of The Subconscious

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(Nemo has a nightmare about Silvester. When they wake up the next morning, Silvester is able to comfort them.)

Nemo took a sip of their tea. The taste of freshly brewed chamomile tea escaped the side of the cup and onto Nemo's tongue. They swallowed the warm liquid and set the cup down. Nemo turned their head to face the one who brewed the tea. They giggled.

"What do you think?" Silvester asked his Swiss lover.

"Ehh. Not bad." Nemo laughed, pretending to have enjoyed it less than they actually did.

"I can smell a lie from a kilometer away." Silvester chuckled.

"Oh, really? What does a lie smell like?" Nemo joked.

"That's the thing. They have distinctive smells." Silvester laughed, continuing the joke.

"Oh, so what does mine smell like?" Nemo asked.

"It smells exactly like the victory I smelled when you admitted to the lie." Silvester laughed hysterically as he clenched his hands into fists and punched the air in celebration. Nemo pouted in their chair.

"You look so cute when you pout." Silvester chuckled and kissed Nemo's cheek. Nemo couldn't help but blush.

"Oh, shut up." Nemo sulked down even further. Silvester grabbed his cup of tea, along with a container of sugar, and sat down at the table across from Nemo. He grabbed his spoon and scooped it into the sugar container. Nemo couldn't help but notice how much sugar Silvester was putting in his tea.

"Do you think you're not sweet enough?" Nemo joked. "That's a lot of sugar."

"I just love sugar." Silvester laughed.

"You're gonna have a sugar crash tonight." Nemo chuckled.

"So what? Hasn't killed me yet." Silvester joked as he took a sip of his sugary tea. Nemo giggled at their boyfriend's comment. They knew that Silvester knew he meant a lot to them, and they knew they meant a lot to Silvester. They'd always look out for each other like that.


The time was now 23:30. Nemo was laying in the bed while Silvester was in the bathroom brushing his teeth. Nemo was scrolling through his phone. They were tired. They just wanted to get to bed, but they also wanted to wait for Silvester. They noticed a chat notification from Sarah Bonnici

Are my two favorite twinks up for bowling tomorrow?

Nemo giggled. Sarah was a mutual friend of theirs who loved to third wheel their dates so much that she planned times to be around them. Nemo decided to respond.

I'll talk to Silv about it. Guarantee he won't mind. Can't wait to whoop your butt. 😉

Silvester walked into the room shortly after Nemo sent the text.

"You know, I'm starting to understand what you meant about that sugar crash." Silvester laughed. "I just wanna pass out."

"Told ya." Nemo laughed. "Also, Sarah invited us to bowling tomorrow."

"She's obsessed with us, isn't she?" Silvester laughed.

"Probably." Nemo giggled.

"I'd be down for that. I've learned a new victory dance for when I win." Silvester joked.

"Silver, don't you remember last time we went bowling? I literally destroyed you." Nemo laughed. Silvester blushed.

"That was in the past. Times have changed. I can pull a victory this time. I feel it!" He chuckled.

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