#2. Ar Tu Vis Dar Gyvas

292 9 59

(Nemo is a part of a very powerful cult. Nemo was almost ready to become an elite member. They just had to pass one final test, which involved a human sacrifice randomly chosen... and what are the chances that Lithuania's very own Silvester Belt was who fate chose. Will Nemo be able to save Silvester before it's too late? Ft. Bambie Thug)

It was 3:00 in the morning when Nemo received the call. They knew exactly what it was, for they've been waiting for this call for a few days now. Nemo was called to meet the others in the central enclave in Malhela Arbaro. Malhela Arbaro is the name of the forest where Nemo and the others would meet for special meetings, and Nemo was about to receive the test of their life.

Nemo had no idea what they needed to do for this test, but it was probably harmless. Nemo put on their coat, grabbed their flashlight, and left the house. The walk to Malhela Arbaro wasn't too far, but they had to make sure they weren't seen by anyone. Quickly, Nemo scurried into the woods, eventually finding the enclave, where the others were waiting for them.

"Hello." Pascal said. Pascal Amyl was a tall, slim man with long, platinum blond hair. His hair looked almost white.

"Hi guys." Nemo smiled, a little sheepishly. They were fairly new to this group, so they were still getting comfortable. The only one Nemo really knew was Bambie Thug. Bambie was the co-leader of this cult, only a step down from the supreme leader, Hades Gevaar, who was also present.

"Are we still waiting on someone?" Nemo asked.

"Just Abu." Esmeralda rolled her eyes. Esmeralda Kaiserin was a little shorter than Pascal. She had curly navy blue hair and coconut skin.

"Abu is always late, I swear!" Bambie rolled their eyes. Suddenly, there was a crackle in the bushes, and a short and stubby man ran into the enclave. Wiping the sweat from his face and catching his breath, Abu joined the others.

"So sorry I was late." Abu gasped. Everyone else slowly nodded.

Hades cleared his throat. Hades was tall and slim like Pascal, but something about Hades was a lot more influential. His cold, green eyes and spiky black hair had a sense of empowerment over the others. No one dared to mess with him.

"So. We all know why we're here... it is now time for our good friend, Nemo, to take the test where shall you pass, you will become an elite member." Hades spoke in a cold voice. Nemo smiled. They knew they could do this. How hard could this test be?

"What do I have to do?" Nemo asked. Hades pulled out a sphere looking thing little smaller than his palm.

"Nemo. In order for you to become one of us, you just complete a human sacrifice." Hades spoke. Nemo raised their posture. They've seen the others perform these sacrifices. Nemo held their breath. Maybe they'll get to sacrifice a criminal or something.

"When I drop this sphere, it will choose a random victim. No one in this world is safe. Well, except for the six of us." Hades chuckled. Nemo felt a sort of relief. There were 8 billion people in this world, there's no chance that anyone Nemo knew would get picked. The minute they said they'd do it, the strings would be bound. Nemo held their breath.

"Okay. I'll do it." Nemo said.

"Brilliant." Hades replied. Then, he dropped the sphere. From there, the image of a globe appeared from the sphere. The globe was spinning on its own before stopping on a random continent. Europe.

Okay. Nemo thought. This isn't as bad right now. 8 billion just went down to 700 million.

Another image popped up from the sphere. This time, a simple map of Europe, and what looked to be like a curser. The curser was moving around the map. Hovering over places like Spain, France, the Netherlands, Germany, Poland.... The curser stopped at Lithuania.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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