🥀|Stop calling me that!!

82 2 45

Requested by ShiratheLionhog3
Topic: angst (yippee! 😈)
The first oneshot in this book, hope u like it!

Airfryer was made in a bit of an interesting way. She was created by the 3rd place winner of season three, bunny! With the help of his robot robo they created airfyer
Ever since the day she was created she looked up to bunny and robo as her father figures. Robo was absolutely fine with this, in fact he was happy that someone like airfyer looked up to him like that. Where as bunny.. eh let's just say he wasn't happy.

Airfyer happily rolled around the Huge building where all the masks lived. She was looking for the season 3 dorms as she wanted to tell bunny that another episode was done it's filming and she would be moving onto the semi-finals.
She projected a smile on her face as she arrived rolled out of the elevator as she could use the stairs due to her lack of mobility only being her wheels. She continued to roll down the hall of season 3 dorms before stopping at a door with robo/bunny's face on it. She projected a grin before knocking. Robo open the door and beeped. Airfyer along with her dad were the only people who could understand what robo means when he beeps, in this case airfyer knew that robo was welcoming her inside.

"Hiya Robo! Where's dad? I wanna tell him something!" Airfyer asks projecting an excited expression.
Robo then pointed further into the room, robo then beeped.
"Oh he's busy right now?" She asked, robo beeped meaning yes.
"Well I guess I could tell you then, I made the semi-finals!!" Airfyer exclaimed. Robo then stated to beep excitedly and applaud her, she knew he was saying congratulations.

A few minutes later

"Thank you very much robo I appreciate it! I'm gonna go tell Dad now!" She said stating to roll off only to be held back by robo who beeped in a serious tone.
"Oh he's stressed right know? Why?" Airfyer asked robo replied shrugging.
"Don't worry I'll be fineee no biggie!" Airfyer said rolling off to find her dad.
Robo then faceplamed.

Air fryer then rolled around the dorm and eventually found bunny sat in a chair on a phone call.
"Hey dad! Can I?-" she asked being cut off by bunny
"Oh my God just get your crap together!!! God your no help!!" He said to the person he was in the phone to.
"Oh dad are you bu-?" She was cut off again as her dad ranted to whoever was on the other end of the call.
"You know what I haven't got the time for this!" He said as he angerly hung up the phone.

He let out a sigh and then turned to air fryer.
"Oh.. your here.. haven't you got somewhere to be?" He asked, not amused by her presence.
"No atcually the shooting is done and I've got good news dad!" She replied projecting an excited face. Bunny rolled his eyes,
"Is it all that important? And what did I tell you about calling me that?!" He boomed, he did not like it whenever air fryer called him dad, air fryer never really knew why,it could be cause he thought it was stupid or it could be that he never wanted to have a "kid" in the first place. Pretty ironic coming from a bunny with a huge family she would think.

"Well I think it is dad! I have made!-" he exclaimed only to be cut off again by bunny.
" I don't care what you've done, and didn't you hear what I just told you!?!?" He shouted causing air fryer to project a confused face.
"Um what do you mean dad?" She asked confused. Bunny's eye twitched.
"Ok now you're just pulling on my leg!!! You know what I said!!!" Bunny screamed.
"Geez ok but seriously what do you mean dad" She asked getting worried and more confused. Bunny then got close to her screen face.
"DO. NOT. CALL. ME. DAD!!!!" He Said very loudly in anger.
"But isn't that what you are? My dad?" Air fryer asked.

Bunny's eye twitched again.
Air fryers face turned into a sad one.
"What..?" She said said "why are you so angry for!? All I do is look up to you dad!" Bunny was almost over the edge
"Call me dad one more time!! I dare you.." he growled.
"Dad.. I just want to tell you how mu-"
And that was it bunny just had enough..

bunny just snapped. Anger just took over his body he was just having a bad day, but he decided to take it out on someone who just wanted to make him proud and start a fight for no reason.
   As for air fryer,oh boy she was on the verge of digital tears from her dad's harsh words, a face with eyes with sad sparkles with tears under and a trembling lip.

"Well? Could you just leave now?.. I need peace from you" bunny said crossing his arms.
Air fryer couldn't take it anymore, she just started bawling and wheeled out of bunny's sight. She zoomed for the door as she made her way there robo saw her crying and tried to stop her to ask what the matter was. But it was too late, before he reached out to her she was out the door. And robo knew why.

He made his way to find bunny who was once again on his phone. Robo stanched it out of bunny's hands and held it above him.
"Hey! Gimmie that back!" He said jumping trying to reach it.
Robo beebed loudly
"What do you mean no!?" Bunny asked in an angry tone.
Robo beeped loudly again
"Until I chan- I don't care if she looked up to me! I don't want her calling me dad I don't need to apologize.
Robo beeped again
"Whatever wise guy!! Bunny answered huffing.


I'm thinking of making a pt 2 would y'all like that?
Well once again ty to ShiratheLionhog3
For requesting this oneshot!
If y'all have a oneshot request let me know!

Byeeeee 😊👋

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