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"welcome to mystic falls" 

Melanie read, as she drove into town.

For a hundred years she had not returned to this town. And now, she finally had broken her streak she was once so proud of. 

As she took a turn, old memories welled up. Memories which took years for her to forget. If it wasn't for her humanityless moron of a brother, she would have never returned, and happily lived on her life..

But deep down, she knew that wasn't true. Over the years after discovering her lively brothers, she never made herself known to them. She should have, she wanted to.. but didn't. 

Until today. 

Her idiot of a brother turned off his humanity, and messed with the one and only, originals family. 

Whilst Melanie wasn't that old of a vampire, all supernatural creatures with a brain knew not to mess with them. But ofcourse, her brothers had to do just that, for a girl. 

A döppelganger. 

Don't get her wrong, she liked Katherine.. adored her even. But after the death of her brothers, just the thought of the vampire annoyed her. 

If she had never come into town, this never would've happenend.. right? 

Melanie takes another turn, as she parks infront of the gates of the Salvatore boarding house. She felt both nervous, and excited. What if her brothers didn't want to reunite with her at all? 

As she approaches the front door, she quickly glances over the house. It was huge, and exactly her brother's style. 

She knocks quickly, standing infront of the door anxiously. And that was, until someone openend. The exact person whom she was looking for. 

Blood trickled down the corner of his mouth, a sight Melanie had barely ever seen. She knew he was a ripper, but she could never find it in herself to ever imagine how horrible it actually was.

Despite her anxious emotions, she immediately blurted something out as Stefan stared at her with wide eyes. 

"You idiotic, humanityless moron."

Not exactly what she had intended to say, but this would have to do. 

"Melanie?" Stefan asked, memories of his death rushing back. He hadn't seen her for a hundred years.. how, how was she even alive right now? 

Melanie tried walking through the door, but got blocked by a invisible barrier. This obviously added to her frustration, as she took a deep breath in. 

"Stefan, whoever owns this house, tell them to invite me in."

And conveniently, just as those words left her mouth, the one and only döppelganger appeared behind Stefan. 

"Stefan? Who's at the door?" Elena asked, as she softly pushed the Salvatore brother away to get to the entrance. "Who are you?"

"Are you the owner of the house? Perfect, let me in." 

"What? No-" The döppelganger quickly said, but got cut off by Stefan. 

"Let her in, Elena." 


this is really short, but this is only a mere introduction chapter. I intend to make the next one's longer <3 

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