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You always felt like someone was watching you. It started a few months ago, a prickling sensation on the back of your neck, a shadow flickering at the edge of your vision. You told yourself it was nothing, just the wind, or perhaps your overactive imagination. But deep down, you knew it was something more. Something... or someone.

His name was Choso. You didn't know that yet, of course. To you, he was just a feeling, an unexplained presence in your life. But Choso knew you. He watched you, learned your routines, memorized the way you moved, the soft cadence of your speech. There was something about you that drew him in, a light in the darkness of his stoic, introverted world. He was convinced he loved you, though you had never spoken, never met.

Choso was patient. He waited for the perfect moment, the moment when he could no longer keep his silence. That moment came one ordinary evening when you were alone. You heard a noise, a creak of the floorboard, and turned to see a figure standing in the shadows of your home. Your heart raced, fear gripping you tightly. And then he stepped into the light, and your world changed forever.
"Finally...I've got you" he said, his voice calm, almost soothing. "I know it's wrong, but I... I love you."

Your initial reaction was fear, a natural response to a stranger in your home confessing such things. But as you looked into Choso's eyes, something shifted. There was a sincerity there, a depth of emotion that you couldn't ignore. It was frightening, yes, but also deeply intriguing.
"Why me?" you asked, your voice barely above a whisper.

"It's the way you move, the way you speak," he replied. "You're like no one I've ever known."
As the initial shock wore off, you found yourself drawn into conversation with Choso. He told you of his life, of the loneliness that had consumed him until he saw you. And as you listened, you realized you were seeing him too—really seeing him. Despite the bizarre circumstances of your meeting, you felt a connection, a pull toward this stoic man who had gone to such lengths just to be near you.

You knew it wasn't normal, that society would never understand. But in that moment, you didn't care. For the first time in your life, you were completely captivated by someone. You had fallen for Choso, just as he had fallen for you.

As days turned into weeks, your relationship with Choso grew. It was intense, unlike anything you had ever experienced. He was always there, always watching, and while part of you cherished the attention, another part craved space.

"I think we need to set some boundaries," you said one day, your voice firm yet gentle.
Choso's expression darkened, a storm brewing in his eyes. "I can't," he whispered. "I can't be away from you."

You tried to explain, to make him understand that you needed time to process this whirlwind romance. But Choso couldn't, or wouldn't, listen. His devotion had crossed a line into obsession, and no matter how you tried to push him away, he remained ever-present, a constant shadow in your life.

As time passed, you began to accept the reality of your situation. Choso's love, though born from an obsession, had enveloped you, transforming your life in ways you never could have imagined. He was in control now, of you, of the relationship, and strangely, you found comfort in that. The fear and uncertainty that had once clouded your thoughts were replaced by a deep, unyielding affection for the man who had once been a stalker in the shadows.

Together, you navigated the complexities of your unconventional love, finding happiness in the darkness. Choso's protective nature became a source of strength, his unwavering devotion a constant reminder of the intense bond you shared. You were his world, and he was yours, completely and irrevocably.

In the end, you lived happily ever after, in your own unique way. The outside world might never understand, might judge or condemn, but it didn't matter. For in Choso, you had found an unexpected love, a beacon of light in the darkness, guiding you home.

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