ˏˋ17*➷ 𝐔𝐧𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐞

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╰┈➤ ❝ [ Its brighter now, now ]❞

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╰┈➤ ❝ [ Its brighter now, now ]❞

SOO-JIN'S WORDS HAD BEEN PROVEN CORRECT. The second Kim Ji-an stepped into the room where her interview would be held, not more than fifteen minutes had passed when they told her they wanted to have her working for their company. Originally the girl had assumed they would follow through the same procedure they did when she first joined her first modeling gig but it actually was a lot easier. The second she told them about her modeling job in Miami for a variety of things like, shampoo commercials, magazines, and skin care products they immediately looked convinced.

It wasn't often that they came across such a successful seventeen year old girl. Of course, coming from a family of good status helped a lot but everything that she had done it had been thanks to her own hard work. Her parents never truly supported her on anything, except her relationship with Lee Su-ho and that was because they benefited from it. Her mother only cared for Ji-an's brother Ji-hun— always babying him for as long as Ji-an could remember. Then her father was overtaken by pride and arrogance, completely straying away from the caring man he used to be.

Kim Ji-an had learned to grow used to it all and also learned to put up a front when anyone mentioned her family. It was rather easy to do so when she barely ever saw them, even if they were supposed to be living in the same house. But this morning, it was one of those rare days where everyone was present and sitting in the dining table like the functional family they pretended to be.

"Ji-hun, baby, could you pass me the bowl of rice?" Hae-won spoke, their mother's honeyed voice directed towards Ji-an's brother who was sitting by Ji-an's right side.

The older boy passed the rice bowl to their mother before resuming eating, and Ji-an took note of how oddly cheery he looked. His wavy hair rested on his forehead carelessly, reflecting Ji-hun's personality. Ignoring the fact Ji-hun was the definition of lazy and liked to make his way around lying about everything, him and Ji-an were quite similar in both personalities and appearance.

Both can be very stubborn when they set their mind on what they want. They're good at lying but suck at containing their emotions. Though, Ji-hun's hair is wavy and Ji-an's isn't, the shade of their hair is the same brown, and they share the same doe eyes and soft features. If it wasn't for the four year age gap, they would've been mistaken by twins.

"So, Ji-an how are things with Lee Su-ho?"

First sentence directed towards her and it had nothing to do with her well being. She knew this whole thing of having breakfast as a family was just their way of getting information out of her. It had been a while since they had revealed the new state of the company and what they demanded from her, so Ji-an wasn't surprised by their demeanor. Though, she would've much preferred for them to go straight to the point instead of having to force her to partake in their little games.

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