Why would I do that? Do I have feelings for her? Naww.






Ashton:kool wanna do some late nite training?

Y/n:sure c u

Late night training? Yuss! Let me change. Hm...let's see...tank top and skinnies. Good. 

3rd Person POV

Y/n was taking off his shirt, only to reveal his washboard chest. Someone burst through the door. "Hey! Re---oh my Zalgo...!" Ashton said extremely surprised. A line of blood leaked out her nose while a blush appeared on both faces. The door immediately slammed. Rapid footstomps were heard down the hall.

30 minutes later

"Awesome training." Ashton said awkwardly. "Heh. Yeah." Y/n slid his one of five hammers in his toolbelt Toby equipped for him. They both ran in the mansion and split ways, Ashton in the kitchen for a soda, and y/n in the living room, getting ready to game it up with BEN.

Ashton x (boy) readerWhere stories live. Discover now