Friendship Exercise

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(2nd part yayyyy :D BTW I'm sure you guys have noticed but I am VERY inconsistent with whether or not this story is past or present tense, so if that kind of thing ticks you off— MY BAD!! 😔🔫) <3

Lucifer and Alastor, who lived on the same floor, happened to both he walking down separate hallways at the same time. Alastor stood waiting for the elevator as Lucifer turned the corner. "Oh, son of a bitch. My day can't get much worse.." Lucifer cursed to himself as he quietly walked up to the elevator and stood by Alastor. "Well, well! If it isn't his majesty," Alastor grinned, "You had a long night, I presume?" Lucifer frowned, "is everyone going to bring that up today? What did I even do?" Alastor chuckled. "Well, I was up into the late hours reading when you very rudely barged into my room. I asked what the hell you were doing, and you kept telling me it was your room! I must say, for a king you have no sense or manners.." Lucifer turned a new shade of red while Alastor found this whole situation amusing. "I- I was a bit.. uhh, tipsy last night.." Alastor raised an eyebrow, speaking as the two of them stepped into the newly arrived elevator. "Tipsy? I doubt someone who was tipsy would completely forget where their room was, let alone the events of last night as you have! And you left quite a mess, too. I had to clean up your blood off my door, and my nice carpet!" Alastor spoke in a cheery voice, his permanent grin stretching wider. "..s-sorry. I haven't been feeling great these last few weeks, I had to get away from it. And although I really fucking hate you, I didn't mean to.. y'know." Lucifer looked down, pretty embarrassed by his behavior. Alastor was a bit surprised that Lucifer actually seemed to feel bad, but didn't show it. "Ah, fuck you too! And it wasn't much of an issue." Alastor stands with his hands folded over his cane before stepping out of the elevator. Lucifer, clutching his head, steps out a moment after. "Uuugh.." He groans as the two enter the lobby to see Husk handing out plates of pancakes. Lucifer slumps down as Husk sets a plate next to him. "Ah, thanks." Lucifer nodded before taking a bite of his favorite food— only to immediately gag at the repulsive taste before putting his hand over his mouth. "Ah- my.. apologies. They're delicious.." He grins awkwardly at everyone. Charlie and Alastor looked down at their food, a bit worried to eat it now. "Err, did you guys follow my dads recipe? I left it on the counter.." Charlie smiles nervously. "Wait, there was a recipe?" Husk raises an eyebrow and looks at angel and Vaggie. "Woopsie!" Angel chuckles.

   After breakfast, Charlie declared that she would pair everyone up to spend time with eachother for the day. "I'm gonna show you guys that you can become friends with anybody! Kindness is key to redemption, after all! Everyone groans, but Charlie continues without deterrence. "So, let's see... Vaggie, you and Angel Dust are the first pair!" Vaggie and Angel look at eachother as Charlie continues. "Cherri, you're with Nifty!" Nifty giggles mischievously at Cherri, who looks at her with disgust and a bit of fear. "And, Dad.. you're with Alastor-" Lucifer chokes, "Hah- you're kidding, right?" Alastor grumbles and raises an eyebrow as Lucifer questions Charlie "Yes, I must agree.. I'd much rather be paired with anybody else." Alastor says, narrowing his eyes at Lucifer. "That's exactly what this friendship exercise is all about! I'm showing you guys that you can become friends with even those you hate!" She grins. Lucifer huffs and rests his head in his palm. "That's leaves you with me, Husk! We are going to have SO much fun! Let's get to it!" Charlie grabs Husks arm and drags him out of the hotel, ready to go on an adventure. "Sooo, no-tits, whadaya do fa' fun?" Angel crosses his legs and furrows his brow at Vaggie, who just sighs. The two of the exit the hotel, leaving Alastor and Lucifer alone. "You've got to be fucking kidding me." Lucifer snarls at Alastor, who sits there grinning. "Hm, perhaps we could.. tie cement bricks to your legs and throw you off a boat in the middle of a lake! Now that would be a day!" Alastor grins wider as Lucifer narrows his eyes at him. "Or, maybe we could take a trip down to my tailor and get that tacky suit replaced." Lucifer, half joking and half serious, studies Alastor up and down. Alastor, who takes style quite serious, scoffs. "At least I do not dress like someone passing out peanuts at a circus." Alastor says snappily. "Whatever. I think we could actually take a trip to the tailor, though. I mean, we have to do SOMETHING, or else Charlie will have our heads on a platter." Alastor places his hand on his chin, contemplating. "Hm, alright. Monthly tailor trip is scheduled soon anyway." Alastor adjusts his collar and stands up, Lucifer following not long after. They walk silently down the chaotic streets of hell, before Lucifer stops in his tracks. "Is something the matter? Is this street not to your royal standards?" Alastor lightly mocks him. "This is the wrong way," Lucifer says, confusing Alastor. "Whatever do you mean? CannibalTown is this way, which is where the tailor is." "Your tailor, maybe, but I said we were going to MY tailor." Lucifer smirks and crosses his arms. "Oh? Is that so?" Alastor narrows his gaze. "Yes, it is. Follow me." Lucifer summons a portal with a shimmering, angelic gold rim and steps inside without a second thought. Alastor hesitates, but eventually steps inside. As soon as both of them are through, the portal closes abruptly. Alastor looks around at the impressive tailor. It has white walls with a red and yellow trim all around. Huge rolls of expensive fabric line the walls, with many mannequin dawning exquisite outfits are strewn about. "Im sure this is nicer than what you're used to, so don't act too savagely." Lucifer teases Alastor. "I might act less.. 'savagely' if your Grace would set a better example for his royal subjects!" Alastor grins as Lucifer scoffs. They both walk into a large room, even nicer and more spacious than the last. Two immaculately dressed imps emerge out of nowhere and greet Lucifer happily "oh! My lord, it has been too long dear!" One of the imps say. "That explains your horrid appearance lately.." Alastor snickers, earning himself a death stare from Lucifer. "Oh, and who is this fine specimen?" The imps circle Alastor, measuring him with their eyes and taking note of his proportions. "This is Alastor. He was in desperate need of a new look, so I extended my charitable hand. Alastor, this is Misa and Isa. They are the finest tailors in hell!" Lucifer grins. "Oh, you flatter us, dear! How kind of you to bring us some fresh meat, too!" The imps grin at Alastor. "Why, hello! It is my greatest pleasure to meet you two. And I must say, you both certainly look as ravishing as where you work!" Alastor kisses their hands, causing them to blush. "Oh, Lucifer should learn a thing or two from you, you're making me blush!" One of the imp says as the other giggles. Alastor glances over at Lucifer, smirking cockily. "..whatever."

   Once the imps take Alastors measurements, they question his powers. "You can change size?" "Yes." "And you can grow horns?" "Yes." "And you sprout tentacles?" "Yes." The imps continue on until they have taken note of everything they need to adjust his clothing for. "And.. Lucifer? Has your.. predicament.. caused anything else we should be aware of?" Lucifer freezes at the question. He hasn't told anybody but his tailors, but as the centuries pass, he goes from being less of an angel and more of a demon. It has affected his behavior and his powers, and has been hitting him hard recently. "I- uh.. yes. But we shouldn't talk about that openly, Isa." He narrows his eyes as Alastors curiosity peaks. "Oh? What is this.. predicament of yours, Lucifer?" He raises and eyebrow. "It's none of your concern. The only people who need to know are my tailors. It only affects them. It oooonly affects them, yeah!" Lucifer tenses up, beginning to ramble out of nervousness. Alastor is determined to figure out this secret Lucifer is withholding, as he could possibly use it as blackmail or slander against him. "Hmm.."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13 ⏰

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