Abby Schmidt

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Name: Abigail Lilith Schmidt-Emily
Age: 10
B-Day: January 10th 1990
Sexuality: N/A (Not Old Enough/Straight)
Prns: She/Her Cisgender Female (AFAB)

She Had Autism

Her School Friends Are A Lil Quirky Like Her

She Definitely Watches SpongeBob

Cassidy Still Visits Her In Her Dreams

She Doesn't Know Mike And Vanessa Are Dating

Bacon Is Her Favorite Food

She Slays😝✨

She Definitely Makes Kandy Bracelets For Mike, Vanessa, And Her School Friends

She Hates Aunt Jane Cuz She's Abelist Asf

Can Handle Loud Sounds But Not Bright Lights

Mike Is Her Favorite Person Ever

She Doesn't Know That Max Died (She Doesn't Really Care Vanessa Babysits Now)

She Wants To Be An Artist

She Knows All The Ghost Kids Names

She Knows How To Play The Flute (Mike Forced Her To)

She's Got Years Of Trauma Pileing On Her

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