My Baby is so cute when she's Angry

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Morning. Payu wakes first and he see his baby cutie sleeping He get up from the bed and take shower and wear comfy clothes
Rain wakes too and he see payu was not next to him And he call payu "Daddy payu phi"
Payu heard rain calling him
And he went out of the shower
Payu : My baby is wake up Why are you calling your daddy did you miss your daddy
Rain : Daddy while crying "My back is hurting"
Payu : Come i will give you warm bath
Rain : Can you carry me
Payu : of course come
Rain : Daddy
Payu : Yes baby
Rain : i will wear my clothes or i will wear my brief
Payu : Baby your clothes and your brief i will remove it
Rain : I love you so much my daddy
Payu : i love you too my Baby

Payu carry rain on the bathroom

Payu give rain warm bath

after Payu finished bathing Payu carry rain on the bed and make him to sit and dry his hair and wear his comfy clothes
and they have breakfast
After they eat Payu told Rain that he had work
Rain say okay it's fine i will play with my phone
Payu : Baby, just tell me if you're hungry
Rain : yes daddy

Rain is playing with this phone
And payu working on the office room
rain was bored so he went to payu's office room

Rain : Daddy I'm so boring And my lips is dry can you kiss
Payu : Baby I'm busy later i will kiss your lips I'm working baby do whatever you want baby
Rain : But what can I do daddy
Payu : Your hungry baby?
Rain : no I'm not hungry
Payu : Baby please later i will talk to you, When I'm done with my work Okay

Payu feel rain is angry and sulking

Rain went to their room and got a book and he read it so he wouldn't be bored
Payu's work is over and he goes to the room to see his baby rain

Payu see rain sitting on the bed and reading book
Payu goes to Rain and will kiss Rain
Rain suddenly pushed Payu
payu looked at rain and said "baby why did you push me" Sorry I'm disturbing you"
I'm done with my work Can I kiss your lips
Rain say no, payu look I'm reading
When payu heard that he was called by rain's name PAYU, he felt sad and resentful and cried
Rain see payu crying and ask "Now why are you crying"
Payu said Baby why are angry on me why can I do
Rain : I'm not angry on you i was just reading
Payu : What do you call me
Rain : oh hoo sorry na my Daddy are crying because i call you PAYU sorry na don't cry
Payu : Baby you said your lips is dry come let me kiss your lips and then i stop crying
Rain : daddy I'm just kidding look at my lips is not dry Because you kisses my lips everyday
Payu : But now come na baby i want to kiss you
Rain : My daddy payu
Payu : Yes my baby
Rain : come here let me wipe your tears Don't like baby Because you are Daddy and I'm baby right

Payu come to rain he look at rain faces
Rain carries payu hair and kiss him to forehead
Payu ask rain "baby are you not angry on me
Rain : No my daddy i said stop crying
Payu : But you baby you made me cry
Rain : why me You suddenly crying without reason
Payu : Because i want my baby attention
Rain : that the reason why are crying
Payu : yes baby and now i want my baby kiss
Rain : Come let's go to bed
Payu : really baby
Rain : don't you want
Payu : i want let's go "payu carry rain"
And he put rain on the bed and starts kissing rain
Rain opened his mouth and took out his tongue and licked Payu's mouth
Payu inserted his tongue into Rain's mouth
They both kissing each other
while the door was ring²
Payu don't want to end because he want his baby
Rain get up and hold payu hand and said Daddy let's open the door and then let's continue
Payu open the door he see the parcel
And rain see that he catch from payu hand and then He call payu " Daddy come here"
payu face is seriously, Rain look at payu
Rain : daddy why are you looking at me like that
Payu : Baby what is this
Rain : this is skin care daddy from my mother she's give me this skin care
Payu : Didn't you not order this?
Rain : Daddy i said this is from my mom Don't you believe me Okay daddy listen i will call my mom

Rain call his mom

Rain : Mama thank you so much
Rita : did you receive baby
Rain : yes mama i will apply it night right
Rita : yes my baby did you like it
Rain : So much mama thank you so much
Rita : Your welcome my baby
Rain : i will apply it to my boyfriend
Rita : how is your boyfriend

Rain give phone to payu

Payu : hello mama I'm fine
Rita : Did your boyfriend stubborn to you
Payu : No mama my rain is to good to me
Rita : Okay i will sleep

Payu give phone to rain

Rain : Thank you so much again mama i love you
Rita : Your welcome my baby i love you too Bye i have to go
Rain : okay mama bye take care

Rain look at payu at angry face

Rain : see this skin is from my mom
And roll his eyes
Payu : Baby I'm sorry i didn't not know this is from your mom You said to your mom You will apply for me
Rain : is just kidding
Payu : baby you are angry on me again
Rain : I'm angry
Payu : okay I'm a bad man to you
Rain : Ohh ho my daddy is so cute
Payu : Baby are you teasing me
Rain : Yes
Payu : Baby let's continue
Rain : here
Payu : Yes baby


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