Chapter 9

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I woke up to my alarm. I rolled over, finally, I'm off. I thought, happily. I got out of bed and put on my navy blue bikini. Mouse had a shift today and I was off, I was going to use the day to start training for the lifeguard Ironman challenge that was a month away. I grabbed my surf board and my beach bag. I grabbed a yoghurt and headed down to the beach. I dropped my stuff off in the tower and took my board out to the water. I sat down next to the flags before going out, not super high today, and a lot of surfers, I thought. I grabbed my board and paddled out into the water. I grinned and waited for the newest wave to hit my board. I felt a wash of water fall over my back and I stood up, I felt slightly off balance, so I adjusted. I tripped a little and leaned forward, causing a nosedive. I hit the water, and groaned in pain. I tried to move my leg, and winced, the pain in my ankle trying to move was insane, I tried to tread water, but I couldn't, my leg hurt too bad. I raised my hand in the water to signal for help, feeling even more scared and helpless as everything started to go black. Then I started to sink.

"Legend, breathe for me." I heard a panicked voice say. I took a gasp of air, and immediately I heard a sigh of relief. "Lege, just lay here, okay?" I heard. I tried to open my eyes but they were so heavy. I stopped fighting and everything went black again, "Legend, just stay with us," I heard, feeling a hand squeezing mine. I tried to sit up, "no, woah, woah woah, Lege, stay there, relax." The voice said. I finally managed to open my eyes, I looked up and Whippet was sitting next to me, keeping my pulse. Mouse was sitting next to me, squeezing my hand, tears dripped down his face. A few of the others, Deano, Harries and Jesse were sitting near me too. "Guys, I'm so sorry." I whispered, a tear falling down my cheek. "Lege, it's okay, the paramedics will be here soon." Deano said. I groaned, "oh, my god my leg, my leg." I gasped, pain shooting through it, whippet looked at me, "What happened, Legend?" He asked, "I was surfing and I felt off balance so I tried to reposition, then I nosedived and hit my leg against another persons board." I explained quietly. "Okay, seems like there wasn't a spinal, can you move your legs and feel them as well as your hands?" Whippet asked. I nodded, squeezing Mouse's hand again, and trying to sit up. The boys helped me into the rhino and drove me up to the tower.

They helped me into the tower, I groaned in pain, putting pressure on my leg. "Where does it hurt?" Mouse asked, "my ankle, like bad." I whispered, tears leaking out of my eyes. The helped me onto the first aid bed, "let's get her a green whistle," Mouse said, reading my expression. Harries ran to grab one and handed it to me. "Thank you mate." I said, quietly. "Of course, Lege, we don't need you sobbing, we need some of your humor around here, especially for you." He chuckled. I took a breath of the green whistle, "fuck this dumbass whistle." I whispered, "it tastes like shit." I said. Mouse looked at me, tears streaming down his face, but now he was laughing. "Blech!" I yelled angrily, glaring at the whistle. "Mate, Legend, calm down, keep sucking on it," Deano said, causing me to laugh. "No, don't even Legend." He told me sternly. I started to go loopy, feeling better, I grinned, "I want the violin," I said, reaching for a surf board. "Legend! There's no violin!" Mouse cackled. I shrugged, "fine, oh shit, ur hot!" I exclaimed. Mouse took that as an invitation to kiss me, I giggled, "he kissed me!" I yelled at Deano, who collapsed into laughter after clearly trying to hold it in. The paramedics came and Mouse helped load me onto the ambulance, "I'll see you after my shift, hon," he said. I nodded, "give me my phone mate!" I called, he turned around and quickly handed it to me, and the paramedics shut the ambulance doors.

"Hello, what's your name?" A doctor asked me, after I'd been brought into emergency, "I'm Lily Edwards." I said, he nodded, "okay, Lily, we'll get you into a room now, okay?" He said, I nodded, "okay, that works." I replied. They wheeled me into a room and transferred me to my hospital bed, he asked me a few more questions that I answered, "okay, based on what happened, we might as well take an X-ray." He told me. I nodded, "okay, I'm good with that," I replied, "okay, we'll get you an X-ray in about a half hour." He told me, I nodded. "And, we need to check your lungs for water, okay, we can do that right now." He added, I obliged and his nurse checked me out, and left the room. I sat there and grabbed my phone, I texted the group chat,
My Life ❤️❤️
Hey guys, I'm getting an X-ray in a half hour, keep you posted.

Good sweetheart, we've been worried sick.

Can't wait to get off work bb 💕

Hope it's not gonna be anything bad 🤞🏽

Kk, guys I have to go, X-ray, text you after I know what happened.

Good luck darlin
"Okay, we're taking you over to the X-ray room, and tell me if you need more pain meds soon, the green whistle only stays for so long." The nurse said, I nodded, silently, god I hope it's not bad. I thought nervously. I had the X-ray done on my leg and ankle and got wheeled back into my room. A half hour later the nurse came in, "hello, Lily, we have good news and bad news." She began, I nodded, gulping nervously. "So, good or bad first?" She asked. I swallowed, trying not to throw up from panic, "good," I whispered. "Okay, so two good news, no water in your lungs, and no  breaks, which is gonna be easier to heal from," she told me. I sighed in relief, "okay, and bad?" I asked. "So, it's just not necessarily ideal news, you did bruise your tibia, and sprained your ankle." She told me. I sighed in relief again, "oh, thank god." I whispered. "Yes, you're a very lucky girl." She said. I smiled, "thank you, but what am I going to need to recover?" I asked, "oh, so, we'll get you a boot for your ankle, and you're going to have to deal with your bruised tibia." She said, I nodded. "Okay, and how long will I have to be off normal lifeguard duties?" I asked. "Probably about a month." She said, "okay, and can I go to the Ironman challenge? It's in a month and a half." I questioned her. "You should be able to sweetheart." She said, I nodded, and thanked her as she left. I took a nap and woke up to a knock on the door, "hello, Lily, your friends would like to come in?" The nurse asked, "yea, bring them in!" I called.

"Lege!" Mouse and Harrison exclaimed running up to me. I grinned, "hey boys," I said happily, hugging the two of them. "Hey Deano, oh god, hi Chloe!" I exclaimed, she burst into tears as pushed through the boys, hugging me. I hugged her back, "aw, sweetheart, Chlo, what's up?" I asked her. "I wa so worried about you, I was at bondi today do I helped the entire thing, I got Mouse and Whippet for you, after I dragged you back to shore." She sobbed, "aw, Chlo, sweetheart thank you hun." I whispered, hugging her tighter, "I ran before you woke up, though, I was panicking so bad," she said. "Well thanks, you could honestly be a lifeguard with some training." I said to her, she smiled at me, "really?" She asked. I nodded, "of course, mate!" I said. "Lege, you're like how Jules was!" Deano exclaimed. I grinned, "so what does that mean?" I asked. "She could always calm people down, really well." He explained. I grinned, "I got pretty good at it, or trying with my mum she had flashbacks about Elisa." I said. They nodded, "and Elisa was your sister?" They asked, i nodded. "Guys, and Chlo, I'm really tired, I'm being discharged tomorrow and I'm back at work in the tower in two weeks, so I'll see you guys soon, but I need some rest." I said, giving each of them a hug, "okay, Lege, we'll see you tomorrow." Mouse said, "oh, and I'll pick you up." He added, I chuckled as they left the room, I quickly fell asleep.

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