IWAE! The born of new Zi-O!

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Before the story

Appear some man who wear clock with book and say

"There is a boy name Y/N...The boy dream is to be a king but his abusing family,his best friend and his ex-girlfriend destory his dream but the future according this book he be king but Demon king who Inherit all Kamen Rider power.So let see his story first"

Chapter 1:IWAE! The born of new Zi-O

In the dimly lit room of a small apartment, a young boy called Y/N sat hunched over his desk, scribbling furiously in a tattered notebook. The only sound in the room was the scratch of his pencil against paper, punctuated occasionally by the distant echoes of raised voices from the other side of the thin walls.

As he wrote, memories flooded back—a montage of moments that shaped him. He remembered the bruises on his skin by his abusing parents beat him...His father is Principal in his own school while his mom just usual housewife, the harsh words that cut deeper than any physical pain. His classmates laugh him as useless and hallucinated person.He remembered the betrayal, the sting of discovering that even those closest to him could be wolves in sheep's clothing.

His mind drifted to a time long ago, when his dreams become a king were still innocent and untouched by the harsh realities of life. He recalled the nights spent huddled under blankets, watching reruns of his favorite tokusatsu series called Kamen Rider Zi-O, imagining himself as the hero in that story.

But those dreams felt distant now, buried beneath the weight of disappointment and despair.

Suddenly, a voice pierced through the haze of memories, pulling him back to the present.


"Hey, loser! What are you doing, wasting your time scribbling in that stupid notebook?"

Y/N looked up to see his so-called friend Kai standing in the doorway, a sneer etched across his face.

"I-I'm just... working on something," he stammered, quickly hiding the notebook beneath a pile of textbooks.

Kai rolled his eyes. "Whatever. You're always so pathetic. No wonder your girlfriend left you for someone better just like me."

The words struck like a physical blow, and for a moment, Y/N felt as if the air had been knocked out of him. Y/N clenched his fists, fighting back tears as he struggled to maintain his composure.

But deep down, he knew his ex and his friend was right. He was pathetic. Weak. A failure in every sense of the word.

As Kai turned to leave, a bitter laugh escaped his lips.

"Yeah... maybe I am," Y/N muttered to himself.

End flashback

"I'm gonna sleep right now" Y/N said.He go to his bed and sleep.Suddenly appear some person who wear a suit with golden colour while his helmet at eyes part is red with Kanji letter that write ライダ (Rider)besides Y/N bed.That person is Ohma Zi-O or Sougo Tokiwa.

That person is Ohma Zi-O or Sougo Tokiwa

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