01. Girl's Night

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I hate my life

Today was Sunday and I expected to have a break from all work related stuff. But it seemed like my mom had other plans. I had worked my butt off this morning and afternoon and now it was evening, I just had to get rest.

"Y/n!" I heard my mom yell, i closed my eyes and prayed.

Please don't make me wash the plates...
Please don't make me wash the plates.

"Yes mom?" I groaned silenty, already fearing of what my mom has to say. She came in wearing a beautiful light pink dress. Her hair was falling on her shoulders. All i could think at that moment was she looked beautiful.

"Your dad and I going out for a date. I want you to take care of the house while we're out. And please don't do something crazy." Mom said and I keep quiet to prevent myself from squealing.

I just nodded and mom sighed in relief. Then something popped up in my brain. "Wait! Cha Eunwoo isn't coming here right?" I asked mom right before she left the room.

"No he isn't coming he is busy with his school work, and stop calling your brother with his full name." Mom said, and I tried to control my feelings.

I just nodded again and lied on my bed.

I got off bed and watched my parents leave the yard. Once they were out of sight, i spend the first five minutes running around in the house in happiness.

After acting like a maniac, i quickly called my friends: Lia, Tzuyu, Lisa and Jennie. After some time they all came. Looking pretty as always.

After some time of enjoying, watching movies we decided to play to truth and dare.

The girls and I were on the floor playing truth and dare. And it landed on me.

"Truth or dare?" Lisa asked.

"Dare." I said confidently.

"I dare you to go to a all boy's school." Lisa said, and they all giggled. My cheeks flushed a dark shade of pink. I looked at her in disbelief.

"You guys know that I'm shy around guys... WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME!?? I said sulking and whining like a kid.

"Plus, I'm a girl so I can't." I said sticking my tongue out.

"You know the movie mulan? She also used to stay like boys, so you can also do this." Jennie said while smiling cockily.

I glared at her. "If you rejected this dare we would think of you as a loser." Lia said while teasing me.


"Ok so get ready for tomorrow."Jennie said.

That's it for today.
I hope u liked it my first ever BTS fanfiction 😁
And don't forget to breathe!!
Lob u!✨❣️

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