I walked quietly to my room wondering why I'm here. Honestly I'm not even sure how long I've been here, 7 months, 10 months, a year? I'm not sure. I'm used to his aggressive voice. Him randomly breaking stuff because he gets mad at the stupidest crap ever.
I've actually known Harry since I was in kindergarten. We were best friends till the 10th grade. That's when my dad got promoted at his job. I haven't seen him since. Now that I'm out of high school, I decided to attend university in the city I grew up in, Los Angels, California. That was my plan, attend uni in my hometown, get a good, steady, well paying job, but it all had to be ruined by my old pal Harold Edward Styles.
I walked over to my vanity mirror in my room just to see that my face was all muddy from my attempt of escape. I got to my dresser and take out to some pajamas, deciding to take a nice warm shower. At least I have some freedom inside the house.
When I'm in the bathroom I undress to find a couple of bruises on my arms and legs. Not from Harry but from where I got stuck. I should be more careful next time. I turn the knobs on the shower to turn on the water and wait for it to heat up. Once the water was at the right temperature, I step in. The hot water instantly relaxed my muscles. Ahh this felt nice. This is one of the moments where I don't feel captured, closed up in a small space. This feels nice. I probably stood there for what felt forever. The water started to feel a bit cooler, that was my wake up call to actually take the shower. After I was finished I stepped out with goosebumps rising when I confronted the cold air of the bathroom.
"Jesus this is cold." I muttered to myself as I wrapped the towel around me tightly.
I quickly got dressed into my pajamas and dried my freshly clean hair. I walked out of the bathroom, and walked quietly to my bedroom.
I laid awake in my bed staring at the ceiling hoping the someday Harry will realize what he's doing. He's not that mean, actually he has some moments when he acts like a gentleman. I fall into a deep sleep thinking about some memories the Harry and I shared from our childhood.
How was that?? Lame ending I know. I wrote some of this like at 3am. I'm still at my aunt's house, uploading this around 1am. That's when nobody but me uses the wifi. I think
It's not edited. Sorry for any typos. I wrote this on my phone and is this short??
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Stockholm Syndrome
Teen FictionStockholm syndrome noun Stock·holm syndrome \ˈstäk-ˌhō(l)m-\ (Medical Dictionary) Medical Definition of STOCKHOLM SYNDROME : the psychological tendency of a hostage to bond with, identify with, or sympathize with his or her captor