All Might vs Nomu!

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Bold is actions and emotion.

Italics are thoughts.

"This is a character speaking."

"That's how I get the students in check hohoho!" Nezu said cackling to himself, taking another sip of his tea while All Might looked half dead wanting to do anything but be here in this room with Nezu.

"That's...nice sir." All Might was praying for anything hell even for his greatest Villain to come attacking than be here and thankful his prayers were answered.


Iida came running in alerting All Might who quickly turned into his buff form and Nezu who just looked on and before they could question Iida he spoke first.

"V-villains! U.S.J! *HUFF* Villain Attack!" Iida said out of breath and All Might didn't waste a single moment and sped out of the window towards U.S.J he needed to make sure his students, especially his successor, was okay. He just really wanted to get out of there.

"So explain to me what happened?" Nezu said to stay calm trying to understand what is happening.

"S-sir! Thirteen is down! Students are scattered around the U.S.J villains are everywhere! Signals are down we couldn't call for help so they asked me as the fastest to come for back-up!" Iida explained quickly, still catching his breath.

"Hmm...this could tie into the gate being turned to dust..." Nezu nods to Iida and turns on the school speaker. "All staff, this is an emergency. I have been notified of a villain attack. Everyone get to the U.S.J there has been a villain attack. I repeat there has been a villain attack." All the teachers end classes and immediately head out to the U.S.J.


"Dammit. I should've been there with them. I just really had to fight all those villains earlier here. I was enjoying tea while my students were out there being attacked. Some could be dead and it would be my fault...Hold on students I'm coming." All Might kept taking huge jumps moving at high speeds way faster than Iida was moving and he quickly makes it to the U.S.J to see the sight of Thirteen, Aizawa, and Nejire badly injured as he looks around for his successor only to not see him. "Where is Midoriya students?!" The class could only look down in shame and sadness and All Might can only assume the worst. "Did..did young Midoriya..." All Might could only grit his teeth in anger at the villains and at his own failure.

"P-please.." All Might hears a weak voice call out to him and he looks and sees Nejire still crying. "" Nejire passes out again due to her injuries before All Might could ask about Midoriya.

"Nejire-chan is badly hurt..damnit!" All Might thinking the villains had a total Victory until he hears loud punches and sounds coming from the U.S.J sounding like an intense battle is raging on inside he runs in to see Midoriya standing bleeding profusely and some strange bird monster about to deal the final blow. "Oh no you don't!" All Might uses so much strength in his legs to basically teleport in front of the Nomu catching his punch looking at the abomination All Might could only look on in disgust. "No one hurts MY students and gets away with it."

"Ahh look who finally came to play..." A raspy voice called out. "We've been waiting for a long time symbol of peace. Waiting for far too long that we just couldn't help ourselves and just had to play with the others." Shigaraki laughs to himself remembering the state Aizawa, Nejire, and especially Midoriya was in which only fuels All Might's anger.

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