✩ chapter 15 ✩

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Tw: use of telekinesis and Elemental manipulation.

"Tomorrow the plan begins."

Third person POV:

It was the next day at night. Everyone was asleep except Sharon and her 'gang.' Sharon sits up, making sure Randy was still asleep. After she puts on her shoes and jacket.

Sharon walks into Stan's room seeing Kyle in a embrace with Stan. She scoffed before hovering over them. She very carefully takes Kyle out of Stan's arms and carrys him like if he was a dead body.. Oh wait-

Sharon walks out the room with Kyle over her shoulders. She leaves the house and walks into the forest, where the adults that joined her waited, with a wood pile up and a big wooden staff in the middle, with ropes all around it. Richard holding matches and gasoline. (Picture above to show a reference)

As they walk Kyle started to wake up from his very deep slumber. as they walk deeper in the forest Kyle opens his eyes. He gasped making Sharon notice.

"W-where am I!?" Kyle shouted. Sharon throws him on the floor before kicking dirt into his face. "I know what you are Kyle. And you're not getting away with it. I'm not letting you hurt anyone else!" Sharon growled. "You will never hurt Stanley, You- you monster!"

Kyle heart sinks. He feels something rush through his body. But it wasn't sadness or fear. It was anger. Kyle's eyes go a dark cherry red. He stands up before rising his hand up, making the air move in the motion of his hand.

Kyle slashes his hand above his body making the wind hit Sharon. Sharon yelped, her hair now a mess. "You little shit!" She tries to charge at Kyle. But Kyle stomped on the ground making a small dent in it. Sharon trips and falls to the ground. Now at Kyle's mercy.

Kyle looks at at a bolder. He moves his head up, making the bolder move with it. Kyle looks at Sharon. The bolder now hovering above her head. “Any last words, bitch?”

A smirk comes across her face. “Behind you.” Kyle looks behind him just to get punched in the face by coral's husband. Kyle falls to the ground, unconscious. They pick Kyle up and continue walking to their base.


Stan wakes up a couple of minutes after Kyle got abducted. He looks to see a pillow in his arms and not kyle. Stan gets up immediately and runs into Randy's room.

He quickly wakes Randy up. “Dad! Where is Kyle!?” Stan asked in a panic. Randy shoots up and looks at him. "Sharon isn't here either."

Stan grabs Randy and drags him out of bed. "We need to go!" Stan shouted. "okay! Okay! Take a chill pill!" Randy hissed as they ran out the house.

"footsteps! Follow them!" Stan said and ran faster. "wait up for your old man!!" Randy said trying to keep up.

Stan sees smoke coming from afar. His eyes widen, tears now forming. He picks up his pace and runs for his life. Randy follows behind him. They soon make it to see almost all the adults gathered around.

Stan's eyes widen more as he sees Kyle getting burned alive, tied up.

Stan looks at everyone else before screaming. “WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU GUYS!? SOMEONE GET HIM OUT OF THERE!! YOU'RE KILLING HIM!”

Stan cried as all the people just stared at him. Not doing anything. Stan runs and pushes people out his way. He makes it to the front and makes eye contact with Kyle. Kyle smiles faintly at him.

Tears roll down Stan cheeks. “SOMEONE GO GET WATER! HE'S DYING!”

Randy grabs his shoulder, holding back tears. “It's too late.. Water is too far away. He isn't going to make it..”

Stan slaps his hand off his shoulder. “YOU ALL ARE MONSTERS! NOT HIM YOU ALL!” Stan screams.

“Stan.. It's too late..” Randy said.
“NO! I SWORE TO PROTECT HIM! EVEN IF IT CAUSES MY LIFE!” That was the last thing stan said before running into the fire with Kyle.

Everyone now was in a panic, screaming and in shock. They all run as fast as they could to go get water to save Stan alone.

In the fire Stan hugs Kyle with all he's got. Fire catches on their clothes, making them burn in pain together. “I love you, Kyle” Stan whispered. “I love you too, Stanley” Kyle murmured before closing his eyes in Stan's arms.

As the adults run back with water they realized it was too late. Both Stan and Kyle lay down in the fire, deceased.

“no.." Randy mumbled.

Word count: 775

Yes this is the end of the book, it was planned to have a bad ending like this. But I do hope you guys enjoyed it ><

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