𓁹┆𓁹'Lucifer's daughter.?; Chapter 1'𓁹┆𓁹

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The street was empty as the pinkette kept walking it was a hard night for him since the overlord named by, Valentino had abused him almost every single day.. It hurt him but he had his best friend and his pet that kept him company for his life the lights in the streets kept shinning as he walked.. the chatter from the buildings were muffled as he kept walking to his friends apartment building to stay over for the night..

The pinkette had walked by the lady in the front desk from the apartment building and started walking up the stairs to his friends apartment it was pretty high up... Then he started knocking at his friends door then She opened the door as he started walking in the door as they were followed behind by the pinkette's pig, Fat nuggets.. - ' ¿ Did aunt Cherrie take good care of you while daddy was gone ? ' - asked the pinkette as the cyclops smiled at him and then back at the pig who gave an excited sequel.

They both laughed as they stayed up talking that night after, Angel did get a week off so he had decided to take his break by hanging out with Cherri the whole week.. They normally did each others make up or went shopping with his pet pig...Tonight was gonna be a celebration night for his week off hopefully Valentino didn't lie..


Husk was tending the bar again at the hotel serving drinks for their long night as Vaggie and Charlie were celebrating drinking their mock tails in peace was Husk sat on the barstool still serving drinks to the other guests it wasn't long before they were gonna leave the hotel again and leave a bad review like always...

he was at that bar until 3 in the morning he'd have to get up again to tend the bar. he wiped down the bar before taking a swing of his cheap booze and left to his room as he locked the door..

The sun started to rise as the pinkette and the cyclops woke up as they were still tired but they both decided they needed a morning walk so they brought the pig outside alongside on how quiet the street has become less crowded due to the new buildings that were being built there.

A ringing noise came from the pinkettes phone as his smile slowly faded as he checked on who is calling him.. -'¿Who is it Angie?'- asked the cyclops as her only eye was focused on him..he was silent for a bit before the cyclops was gonna ask again he answered.. - 'My boss..'- said the pinkette as he was holding back tears in fear.. he answered the call from Valentino as his body was shaking in fear still.. -' ¿ Yes Val ? '- asked the pinkette who was trembling as the Cyclopes held on to his shoulder -' You belong Lucifer's little princess now you slut.' - then the called had been declined by his boss as the hot pink chain had broke and a light maroon chain appeared onto his neck.. he was..afraid..

The cyclops saw the whole thing.. as for the pinkette he didn't my know what to say or do now that has happened with this... He was more afraid that this 'Lucifer's princess'' his boss talked to him about would abuse him worse than his original owner ..he was trembling trying to process this whole thing he couldn't find the words that were deep down in his throat as he felt his heart drop knowing that it would either be worse or better than how his boss had treated him there was a 50/50

-' Hopefully this new 'boss' of yours is nice..'- said the cyclops to the pinkette as he gave her a side glance and a hopeful look.. 'Yeah hopefully..' thought the pinkette as he was pretty feared..

His new boss won't abuse him..right?...hopefully not honestly....

The cyclops checked again for the chain as it glowed they kept following where the chain was coming from walking and saw a hotel... -' Wow they really named it the 'Hazbin Hotel'..'- said the cyclops ad the pinkette nudged her -'¡ Be nice they tried at least unlike the last title my old studio had that was cringer! '- said the pinkette as he playfully nudged her again and they laughed walking into the hotel together ready to face what maybe will happen next as they did so.

They were both greeted by a blond shirt girl as the pinkette towered over her and then the blond girl's girlfriend that had a moth appearance came along she had white hair and an X eye that some of her hair colored with her, a hot pink bow in the back of her hair.

-' Welcome to the Hazbin Hotel!' - said the blonde women as she and her girlfriend smiled holding hands. -' I'm Charlie the founder of the hotel!, and then this is Vaggie, my girlfriend and the manger of this hotel!' - a smile was given from the pinkette...mabye it won't be so bad after all.. the maroon chain was lighter on him on his shoulders


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13 ⏰

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