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Prolouge: A new beginning



Floating in the sky, above a baren wasteland of metal and soulless robot zombies, was angel island. There had recently been a battle for the fate of the world, sadly the heroes of this world's plan had failed. Atop a temple on the floating island sat a giant green gem with seven, smaller, different colored gems floating atop seven different pillars. The eight gems began to glow as water around the temple moved towards the giant emerald and formed a being comprised of water.

The being began looking around at what used to be its world in sadness as a red glow left the giant emerald and formed into a transparent anthropomorphic red female echidna, wearing tribal like clothes.

???: "Chaos... this world is doomed to destruction. In order to protect what's left of it, we must gather what we can and leave for a new world."

The water entity, now dubbed Chaos, began to leave the floating island, exploring the decolate metal wasteland in search of anything that could be salvaged. Chaos traveled for weeks looking for anything that felt like it needed to be taken and he had found a few things left by this world's original hero, Sonic the Hedgehog. Chaos had found Sonic's racecar, "Speed star," his extreme gear, "Blue star," his old biplane that was given to his adopted little brother Miles Tails Prower, the Tornado, a bracelet that had a connection to light and dark Gaia, another that seemed to be a treasure of the Babylonians, two books that seemed to radiate special power, and a cybergate that was found in sky sanctuary zone, which connected to the starfall isles.

Chaos even found the robotizised zombie version of our hero, and placed his hand on the hero's head, gathering any information he could, as well as an imprint of Sonic's chaos energy imprint. The information gave Chaos the information of another special gem, known as the paradox prism. Chaos began looking for the gem which took many hours of travel, and he managed to find it. When Chaos touched the gem, it seemed to react to the chaos energy signature of Sonic and a small blue vortex appeared and out of it came a medallion in the shape of a guitar. Another small portal opened as a orange and light blue energy flowed through and into the bracelet connected to light and dark Gaia. One last portal opened and a small brown bag with golden rings inside lands on the ground.

Chaos gathered all the items and took then back to angel island. Once he arrived, the echidna spirit reappeared and looked over all the items. The echidna sighed sadly when she looked towards the wasteland.

???: "Thank you Chaos, hopefully this will help the next hero who uses them. And they will be trained by us so that what happened here will never happen again."

Both beings turned towards the giant gem and hold their hands towards the gem.

???: "The servers are the seven chaos. Chaos is power... power enriched by the heart. The controller is the one that unifies the chaos. Please, hear our cry and bring this island and all its inhabitants to a new world where we may survive."

The eight gems sitting around the temple begin glowing which slowly expanded to covered the entire floating island. Soon, the flash of light faded, revealing the island now gone from it place in the sky.


It late at night, rain falling from the sky. A young boy with green hair and green eyes, at the age of eight, was currently running as fast as he could. This boy was Izuku Yagi, and like many other children his age, he wanted to become a hero; however, he was one a the few people in the world that were quirkless, people born without a super power. Due too being quirkless, Izuku was subjected to lots of bullying and neglect, borderline abuse in both casses.

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