Interlude: Agatsuma Twins

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The Agatsuma clan has always been one of the major clans that joined the fight against the demons. They have been entitled to use just Thunder Breathing, one of the five original breathing styles.

In the Taisho Era, the Agatsuma clan have secluded themselves away from the war of the demons to preserve their futures. But one unfortunate night, their seclusion was found by multiple demons. It was a one-sided massacre. Many women and children were killed and eaten, and the men who tried to fight were brutally slaughtered by a fast demon. Running from their destroyed village and home, a couple and their 6-year and 8-year old children made their way to a river that led down to a town. The husband and wife nodded at each other.

??: Zenitsu, Zenko.

The father said.

Zenko: Yes dad.

She said tearfully.

??: This is where we part ways.

Zenitsu/Zenko: WHAT?!

??: My children. You two will be heading down this river into that town and will do one thing. Survive.

Zenitsu: No. We don't want to leave either of you two here to die!

The mother kneeled down to her kids.

??: Zenitsu. Zenko. My sweet babies, no matter what happens to us, we'll always be right here.

She pointed to their hearts. Their farewell was suddenly interrupted by the combat demon who was hellbent on killing the family. The father unsheathed his sword prepared to die to protect his family.

??: Take one more step and I will cut you down in an instant.

He was then pierced by the demon with a hole in his chest. He was killed in an instant, and the wife saw that her love one was gone, another demon appeared.

??: I'm now satisfied. Dispose of them.

The second demon lunged at Zenitsu, Zenko, and their mother. In her last moments she pushed her kids into the river and says her last words.

??: I love you Zenitsu and Zenko.

She was then fatally wounded, but she kept her smile. Zenitsu and Zenko was floating down the river as the two demons watch.

??: I'll finish this!

??: Don't bother. They won't last a day, let alone a week. Our mission in complete.

After many hours, at the break of dawn, Zenko found her way into the town without Zenitsu because when they were pushed into the river they became separated. She was still in complete shock. Everything and everyone she has ever loved was gone, suddenly life flashes before her very eyes as she remembers all the good times she has spend together. All she could do was cry. As she roamed the streets, she could hear many heartbeats, many noises, and conversations. Even when she sleeps, she finds it impossible to ignore the many things happening around her.

Over the next seven years. Zenko was trying her best to survive listening to her father's last orders. So, she would try and scavenge for food. Soon, she was found and taken in by a good family. They were cared and loved for.

Then when she turned fourteen, an elderly man appeared before her. He said his name was Jigoro Kuwajima. He claimed to have learned Thunder Breathing and that his daughter was Zenitsu and Zenko's mother and said that he found Zenitsu. He wanted to teach his grandkids Thunder Breathing and restart the Agatsuma tradition. Zenko still wanted to keep the memory of her family alive. So, she took the deal.

Jigoro: I hope that you are mentally prepared for this training! You will be working your body until it can move in swift speed! You will work on your breathing and then you will learn the Thunder Breathing style! This year will be the most painful year of your life girl! Do you understand?!

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