On the first day of Ramadan, the Andalusian streets in Spain were crowded with a variety of food, you could hear an unfamiliar accent, different to that in central España. Fairouz went out with her niqab covering that innocent face; her eyes were a kind of magic, secretly charming in their sharp shape like a leaf of autumn. She was known for her father across the whole neighbourhood, as the Pearl of Othman. People nearby would continuously question if she got married yet or not throughout those years she lived in Granada. Her father was a notorious Imam of the mosque of Sevilla, where he spent most of his twenties acquiring Islamic knowledge like Fiqh and Shari'a and memorizing by heart the Holy Quran. When Imam Ibn Othman reached his 60s, together with his wife, their only wish was to get their only child Fairouz married to a gentleman who is capable to provide a good care for their daughter and be worthy of her. The parents conditions were not complicated at all, all they sought for was a good intentioned man who would come with a noble heart.
When Fairouz came back, she was carrying a letter she found under the door house and the couple of things she got from the local open market. She put her merchandise on the lunch table and joined her parents to the living room where they were doing their daily activities; the mother was sewing a few cotton jackets for the neighbour's kids, preparing for Eid Al-Fitr gifts, and the father was reading an old copy of Imam Al-Ghazali he had in his bookshelf since he accomplished his superior studies.
The young lady opened the letter she was still holding and started reading, while her parents were busy with their concerns. She read a word after another and her different facial expressions were reacting to the content of paper, until when she finally concluded it with the sender's name.
It was adressed to Imam Ibn Othman, the man of the house. His daughter passed him the proposal in which it was written with latin alphabet, in spanish, decorated with arabic words on the sides. He read throughout the letter with a sudden smile, checked the back of the paper, then he put it on the table to continue on his book holding a cup of turkish tea on his right hand, getting a sip every time he paused.
_ "come here my child" said Ibn Othman to his only daughter "write back to him, god be pleased with you".
She brought a piece of paper from his room, a quill, and ink, then she started to write as he told her. The girl felt an exciting feeling as he heard what her father said about her and how he praised the gentleman in a formal manner that she herself had doubts about how this person who wants to ask for her hand looks like; "he's charming in his words" she would think to herself "God please make him good for me".A few days passed by, Fairouz was stressed as the man's visit was close, it was a day left, an hour left, a minute left, a ring bell away, until when he arrived.
A pair in Andalusia
Short StoryA soulmate can be found even in the tightest streets of Andalusia.