49~ Lessons learned, gents!

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Yesterday, after all the wedding mishaps, everyone returned home, but three clever ladies were talking on the phone, and it definitely seemed like a pretty important conversation

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Yesterday, after all the wedding mishaps, everyone returned home, but three clever ladies were talking on the phone, and it definitely seemed like a pretty important conversation.

"Since the wedding is over, you guys should start thinking about what's next!"

Jiya spoke from the other side of the call while they were all on a conference call planning for something significant.

"In order to keep all the gents away from Kammo, We need to do something major."

Jeevika declared that while eating macaroni in the garden, the group had the desire to do something significant, leading them to the realisation that their husbands previous actions were not impressive.

"I really want Adhiraj to experience what he put me through, he was so nervy!"

Siya was just quiet earlier at the party and during the wedding prep, but that doesn't mean she won't stand up for herself when needed. She won't let anyone push her around and will make sure Adhiraj thinks twice before trying anything funny again.


"What's that?"

The two of them asked simultaneously with confusion, and then Jeevika informed them about the plans that caused their eyes to widen, yet a smirk appeared on their faces at the same time.

"Let's change the location!"

Siya finally spoke after a lot of thinking because it wasn't just one man in her house who saw Kammo dance, but her father-in-law too, and Jiya also mentioned that her father-in-law was there.

"Have you heard about the 'Matrix club'?"

Siya asked again, giving another confident nod which made jeevika and Jiya nodded too.

"Let's speak with the manager of the club."

Jiya mentioned that they've got a bunch of stuff to get ready for today's blast events and they want to make it remarkable.

"Make sure to utilise the fame that your husbands have earned to your advantage."

Jeevika confidently spoke with a smirk, raising her collar high, causing Siya and Jiya to giggle. As they continued their conversation and created a strong plan, their bond strengthened with each passing moment, and it was evident that the trio had developed a very close relationship with each other.

Jeevika shared everything with Niranjana, who wholeheartedly approved and appreciated her for teaching them valuable lessons that they truly deserved. She then left the home, taking a crucial black card in her hand and leaving a lipstick mark on a paper that she had plastered on the mirror.

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