Stretch marks

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Sorry about the long wait but I am back

I was in the bathroom standing in front of the mirror. I had on sweatpants and and tank top on. I looked at myself in disgust wondering on why Chris would've chose me to be his girlfriend.

"I hate my body"

I said mumbling to myself. After about another 5 minutes I heard a knock on the door.


Chris had said quiet but loud enough for me to hear him. I then hummed to let him know I had heard him.

"Are you okay in there, you've been in the bathroom for 15 minutes"

"Umm.. yea why?"

I said trying not worry him

"Can I come in?"

I then walked over to the door unlocking it and opening it just a little bit. Chris then walked in and shut the door behind him.

"You wanna tell me what's wrong?"

He asked me because he could tell something was wrong. I then shook my head while looking at myself in the mirror. Chris then turned his head towards the mirror with a sad look on his face.

He then turned me towards him and pulled me into a hug. We just hugged for about 2 minutes we when broke apart.

"Listen, I know you're going through it again but if you ever want to talk about it I'm always here and you know that."

I then nodded my head. He then grabbed my hand and we walked to his room. When we walked in I sat in the edge of his bed with him next to me.

"Just tell me whenever you're ready. Okay?"

I then nodded my head and took and deep breath and explained it to him. After I got done talking he just look at me and ran his hand through his hair while I was looking at the ground. He then grabbed my jaw making me look at him.

"If I'm going to be honest with you. I love you just the way you are. I love everything about you. Your personality, smile, eyes, laugh, stretch marks. Everything. You think I would be with someone as beautiful as you if I cared about those things?"

I then shook my head. Chris then pulled me into his lap and kissed all over my face. After he got done he gave me one last kiss on the lips.

"I love you, just remember that"

I then smiled a little bit

"I love you too"

I said getting up off him and laying on his bed.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14 ⏰

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