Chapter 4: An untainted perspective.

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“Okay, come closer.” Rimuru beckoned to me.

I inched towards him slowly, my legs feeling heavier than they had any right to be.

I realized that it was because I had developed some fear towards this anomaly standing in front of me.

Eventually, I got within arm's reach of the smiling man.

“Is this necessary?” I asked, already wanting to open up the distance between us.

“Yes, now stay still.” He replied as he extended his right hand towards me.

I felt his cool skin come in contact with my sweaty forehead, the sensation was oddly calming.

“Hm, I don't wanna make you OP but being weak isn't an option either. Partial unlocking, chant annulment…….there we go.” He murmured weird things to himself as his fingers remained on my forehead.

“I don't think anything is happeni-” My words were cut off as I gasped in pain.

“Bear with it.” Rimuru said as I couldn't keep myself standing.

I collapsed to the ground as all my senses blurred together. Sounds became intelligible and my vision was but a canvas of weirdly shaped colors.

[Confirmed. Higher will has been recognised.]
Amidst my pain, a single voice resonated. I don't know how it was possible but something told me that the owner of that voice bore no resemblance to a human whatsoever.

I don't know how long it took, minutes, hours, my sense of time seemed to have faded with any ounce of composure I had mustered earlier.

When I opened my eyes, I was met with Rimuru's gentle and apologetic gaze.

“What did to me?” I managed to squeeze out.

“Nice to see you're handling it well. Basically what I did was slightly alter your body to be able to draw on the same source of power that I do.” He was being very upfront with this, I expected at least some level of secrecy, it was what I was accustomed to after all.

But alter…?

What level of skill would one need to reach in blood magic to be able to do something like that so easily and dare I say…flawlessly?

‘No,’ I thought as I raised my head to meet his gaze once again.

‘Not blood magic, it's something else. There was that voice.’

I could see from the look on his face that he wouldn't answer the question I was about to ask.

Okay then, I will ask another.

“What exactly does that entail?” I staggered to my feet for what seemed like the 100th time this week.

Rimuru opened his palm and a normal flame appeared in it, much more safe looking than the black ones from earlier. I still felt like it shouldn't be out in the open though, I felt hot just looking at it.

“I want you to look at this with all your focus.” He said.

I was confused, what would looking at an already formed spell do?

“What's the point?”

“Just look at it.* He pressured.

“Okay..” I proceeded to do as he said.

Meditation techniques were nothing new to me as a Jan'Tep initiate. I considered myself pretty skilled at clearing my mind of distractions, as that was the bare minimum for casting a Jan'Tep spell which required visualizing specific arcane geometries.

『BALANCE BREAKER』A Tensura X Spellslinger Crossover Where stories live. Discover now