Nice To Meet You

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     It was a Monday. The worst day of the week. I hated Mondays because they meant going back to school after spending two whole days locked in my bedroom enjoying my own company.
My alarm went off at six thirty as it always does and no matter how many times I heard that deafening alarm sound, something about it was always triggering.
I reluctantly got out of bed and headed into my bathroom. I stared at my reflection for about ten seconds before washing my face. Once I finished, I headed downstairs to make myself some breakfast. As I arrived in the kitchen, I noticed a yellow post-it note was stuck on the fridge, I went towards it and read what was messily written on it.
'Will be back l8ter tnite, left sum money on the coffee table 4u to buy some dinner x luv dad,
I smiled at the note and glanced at the coffee table and saw the twenty pounds he'd left for me.
I then made myself a bowl of cereal before grabbing my bag, putting on my worn out Converses and heading out of the door to go to college. I'd usually walk to college with Lily before she started dating Charlie; Lily was my best-friend, pretty much the only friend I had. The lonely walk to college was peaceful, I had my headphones blasting my favourite song The Dazzler by my favourite brand Daughter.
I arrived at college at about eight ten and headed directly to the art room, the classroom was already open so I decided to go inside and settle down.
After a while the art teacher Mr Forges entered the classroom.
"Oh Jodie, you're early today, class doesn't start until eight forty." He said in a sort of mocking tone. Mr Forges was known for picking on students and having favourites, I was never really fond of Mr Forges and I always thought that he was too old to be acting the way he does.
"Yeah, I just... was eager to come to class today" I replied in an equally mocking tone. He smiled at me and sat down behind his desk. Eight forty came around and the students started flooding the classroom. Funnily enough, nobody wanted to sit next to me, I guess it's because I have the reputation of being the odd kid that never speaks. I was never really offended that people didn't really like me or make an effort to be friends with me, I mean Lily was enough for me. As Mr Forges was closing the door to start class, a student came rushing in. He was sweaty and out of breath, probably from coming up the unnecessarily long stairs that the architect who designed the college put for no real reason.
"Sorry i'm late Sir" said the guy, barely able to talk due to how out of breath he was.
Mr Forges told him not to worry and to sit down in the empty seat next to me. He did as he was told and indeed sat down next to me. I wasn't uncomfortable per say with him being next to me, I guess I was always just used to having the empty space next to me.
    As the lesson progressed, we hadn't uttered a word to each other, that was until he turned to me and stared at me for a good five seconds before saying, "You're not much of a talker are you?" He said it in a snobby way.
I turned to face him and was speechless for a good ten seconds before I said, "No. I'm not" with a mono tone.
He scoffed and turned to face the teacher. As class went on I found myself drifting off and dreaming about things with no relation to art class. I honestly have no clue as to why I picked art as a subject, I don't like art. I'm just surprisingly good at it. At the end of the lesson Mr Forges announced that we'd have to work in pairs for our final project, which was to create a mini sculpture which represents Pain. I thought it was a really crappy idea.
"So, how's this going to work?" the guy asked me.
I stayed silent for a couple seconds before shrugging.
"What's your name? I mean we've been in class together since September, it's March now and for some reason I just haven't managed to catch your name." He said to me, at this point he'd turned his whole body to face me and was making deep eye contact with me. If I'm honest this eye contact had me all flustered, I wasn't too good at looking people in the eyes.
"Um... Jodie. My name is Jodie" I responded in a quiet tone.
"Jodie" he repeated "I'm Matthew" he said holding his hand out of me to shake it. At this point I could feel all the other students in the back sneering at this interaction like it was some sort of comical show.
I shook his hand and grabbed my bags and stood up from my seat before saying to him, "We can meet at The British Library tonight at five after school. To work on this... project." I said before leaving the classroom.
As I'm walking out of the college building I see Lily standing near a tree.
"Hey Lils" I said to her
"Jo! Hey I haven't seen you lately" she said to me, she seemed overly joyful which wasn't very usual of her.
"Yeah I mean you have a boyfriend now." I said, trying not to sound jealous. Because I absolutely was.
We spoke for a while and I headed to my next classes and then headed to the library. As I got inside it was quiet, very quiet. I liked it that way.
I checked the time and saw that it was three minutes past five so I sat down and waited for Matthew to arrive.
After a while, I looked at the time again and saw that it was twenty minutes past five. I was getting really impatient and decided to have a walk around the library and check out what books they had. As I was walking I noticed a familiar face... It was Mr Forges skimming the shelves as I was doing, I tried my best to avoid him but as I tried to slowly turn my back and retreat I felt a tap on my shoulder.
"Jodie! Funny seeing you here." He said whilst cheesing off at me. I felt really uneasy and just weirded out. I smiled awkwardly before uttering "Y-yes" I chuckled "Um why would that be funny?" I asked.
He shrugged and smiled at me before asking "Got a hot date?".
I paused before answering
"No." I crossed my arms and checked the time on my watch and saw that it was almost six pm. I waited for him and he didn't even show up.
"I should get going now" I said
"I'll see you next week Sir."
"For art class" I added on before heading back to the desk I was at, grabbing my stuff and heading out. As I was walking back home with my headphones in I noticed that I hadn't eaten dinner yet and I should probably get something to eat. I headed to the Tescos on Dean Street, it was about a half an hour walk but I liked walking.
As I was heading into Tesco I walked past this pub and to my surprise I saw Matthew outside smoking a cigarette and talking to his friends. I stood in shock and pure confusion. I was trying to understand the audacity that one has to have to do such a thing. He noticed me and he sort of jolted back in shock. I scoffed and continued walking down the road to go to Tesco, as I was furiously stomping down the road I heard Matthew call out to me.
"Hey Jodie, wait!" He was speed walking towards me but I just wasn't having it. He managed to catch up with me and grabbed my shoulder.
"Look, I'm sorry." He said
"I ... I forgot that I had plans and just couldn't cancel them and I had no way of contacting you" he continued
I scoffed at him and said "get lost" before continuing my trip to Tesco. Once I entered Tesco I froze for a second and sighed before turning around and seeing Matthew behind me.
"I'll do the project by myself. So don't bother with it and me for that matter" I snapped before turning back around and looking for something to cook for my dinner.
"Hey, I can't let you do that" said Matthew, at this point he was following me all around the shop.
"Matthew!" I yelled. I sighed and said "It's fine. Leave me alone and go smoke your cigarettes and drink alcohol with your friends alright." I responded, a little calmer now.
"Why are you being like this?" He asked me. I stood and stared at him.
"Wh-what is wrong with you. Leave me alone okay?" I said before putting my headphones back on and going to the till.

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