Testing the Limit

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Don't judge a book (Duncan) by its cover.

(9.15) Day 6: Protective


Courtney periodically looked past the pages she read to the man standing by the window

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Courtney periodically looked past the pages she read to the man standing by the window. His arms were crossed as he scanned the room before settling on her. He gave her a flirtatious smirk, which she returned with a vulgar gesture. She missed her old bodyguard but couldn't say anything because her Papá was the one who hired everyone. Her old bodyguard minded his damn business and did his job correctly. This new guy? All he was good for was giving her a major migraine on a daily basis.

Her muscles ached from the pure irritation this man gave her. Courtney rolled her shoulders back and took a deep breath. She focused on her book while waiting for the family room to be unoccupied. In reality, Courtney should have been in her room, far away from whatever was happening behind the closed doors, but she refused to feel afraid in her own house.

Courtney Rosales was the daughter of a wealthy man, Mateo Rosales, whose business ran deep underground, earning him several enemies. Her new bodyguard, Duncan Robustelli, was apparently the only vile man smart enough to complete her Papá's extensive boot camp. Ever since Duncan set foot in her home, he had taunted her and called her a ridiculous pet name. On top of that, he had simply refused to wear the uniform her Papá had given him.

He's quick on his feet and knows how to hold his own. The words her Papá said to her echoed in her mind. Courtney had tested that statement on her own. She had sent alarming messages to Duncan, hoping he would barge into the room to prove why he was given the position- but he never did. In fact, Duncan would walk in casually and raise his eyebrow at her. As if he knew she was testing him and refused to give in to her stupid games. She prayed to God she was never in real danger if that was how he would react.

"You're a shit bodyguard." She mumbled.

Duncan laughed as he stepped toward her, the natural light that gave her the perfect reading setup being drowned out by his shadow. "And you're a shit client."

Her book snapped shut as she looked over her shoulder, her nose scrunching up at him. He smelled like mint and firewood, but she would never tell him so. "You could always save us both some misery and quit."

"And by quitting, that would mean what exactly?" Duncan teased as he leaned down to her level. His breath tickled the back of her neck. "Oh right, it would give you satisfaction that I walked away. I think I'll pass."

"I wish I could fire you."

"You'd miss me too much, Princess."

Heavy thuds shook the ground before them as Courtney turned fully around to remind him what her name was. Duncan moved so fast Courtney barely noticed the doors swinging open with random people running out holding onto fresh wounds. Before she could even scream, Duncan had her securely behind him as he whipped out a gun to finish off whatever was left of these men. Courtney screwed her eyes shut and held her hands over her ears, waiting for the awful popping sound the gun would release, but nothing came. She took a peek and instantly regretted it. Bodies were sprawled across the floor, pooling in their own dark blood as her Papá casually walked and inspected one of the men on the ground.

She realized why Duncan's gun had not sounded off as she watched him tuck it back into his waistband-a silencer. Everything had happened within a matter of seconds. Courtney didn't know how to handle the heat racing up her neck at the thought of almost being a target to these men. This is why you stay away, her mind screamed at her.

Duncan's body concealed her perfectly as more guards rushed into the foyer and into the room. They ordered Duncan to keep watch as they cleaned up the mess and then shut the door. Courtney's Papá nodded at Duncan before turning towards his room to clean himself up. Only then did Duncan move aside. His hands were immediately on her; Courtney would have slapped him if she hadn't realized Duncan's hands weren't feeling her up but making sure she was intact.

His palms were cold against her skin as he inspected her arms, neck, and face, but Courtney swore her skin turned darker with every touch.

"Wh- you saved me?"

"It's my job."

"You could have died!"

Duncan finally let his hands fall to his side. He took a deep breath to get his thoughts right. He had been in this position plenty of times but with Courtney? Something in him knew he would have massacred the entire house if anything happened to her.

" You could have died."

Something sparked within those icy eyes that froze Courtney's mind. Maybe he wasn't such a terrible guy after all.

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