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«The last rays of sunset lie in a field of trampled rye, a dream amidst the grass uncounted.»

◀―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――▶Time passed inexorably, yet he remained still

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Time passed inexorably, yet he remained still. Why did he linger in stagnation? Always at the small Wangshu Inn, where he sought, after a day's work, that coveted rest that always slipped through his fingers. Perhaps it was time to resign himself once more.
His scant will made mortals speculate about his aura shrouded in mystery, though deep down he wished for things to stay the same; solely for the distance people kept from someone of his nature. He could admire the resplendent moon each night without judgment, for no one shared his solitude.
But one day, which promised to be ordinary, everything changed when a mysterious traveler with golden hair appeared. This traveler, who had been seeking him out lately, disturbed his peace.
Since that unexpected encounter, the Yaksha submerged himself in the cold nocturnal landscape of the inn, seemingly absorbed, yet acutely aware that the curious traveler watched him from afar.
—Aether— he whispered subtly, without averting his gaze from the bright moon. The addressed started at the realization that the guardian had noticed him, wondering how long it would have been before he was discovered.
—Uh... Adeptus Xiao... I apologize for disturbing you at this hour, but... you only seem to be available at night, and it's somewhat lonely. I've been thinking about it for a while, so I decided to keep you company— confessed the traveler, surprising the Yaksha, who did not expect such a gesture, especially on the enigmatic night.
—I am never available, and your desires do not concern me. Do as you wish—Xiao responded, and the blonde, excited, leaned on the bar next to him, in silence, contemplating not the moon, but the solitary guardian.
The situation was strange for Xiao, something did not fit. He felt as if the traveler wanted to get closer, and that provoked fear; the fear of showing vulnerability to another. Moreover, he was terrified at the thought that someone might learn of his past, the actions he must undertake, or how miserable he felt for isolating himself and letting silence witness his deepest dreams, dreams he knew unattainable.
—You know, Xiao... sometimes I wish I were you, to forget the world and simply share with the sun and the moon, to let only the stars and clouds know my thoughts— expressed the traveler, prompting the Adeptus to reflect. He did not know his situation and yet envied his way of being.
—You are very strange— Xiao commented bluntly, usually sparing with words and direct in his thoughts, he did not say it with malice, but the behavior of the blonde left him perplexed.
The blonde, upon hearing this, let out a soft laugh. Perhaps the guardian was right, but it was not something he would openly admit.
—Speaking of oddities, today I ventured to explore a small area not far from here, you probably already know it. There I found a rather unusual flower— said the young man with golden hair as he took a small blue flower from his bag. Despite being somewhat wilted from the long journey, its beauty shone through its imperfections.
—Why do you show me this flower?—asked Xiao, his face reflecting a mix of surprise and curiosity.
—Because it reminded me of you. It was alone, set apart from the rest in the field, and its presence was distinctive among all the others. Seeing it, I felt an immediate impulse to come to see you— explained the traveler, his words laden with hidden meaning, perhaps a veiled confession, but Xiao could not decipher it. —Xiao, would you like to accompany me on one of my trips? It's not far, just to Mondstadt.—
The proposal hung in the air, an invitation to a world beyond solitude and nocturnal contemplation, a gesture that sought to bridge the abyss Xiao had created around himself.


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